
Age & Fertility: How To Maximise Your Chances Of Conception

The most fertile period for women is in their 20s, with a notable decline starting in the early 30s and accelerating after 35

Age plays a crucial role in fertility, with the chances of conception declining as women age. Approximately 50 per cent of women seeking IVF are aged 35 and above, while 40-45 per cent are between 30-35 years, and only 5-10 per cent are under 30. To maximise the chances of conception, early intervention and proactive fertility planning are essential, particularly for those in their mid-30s and beyond.

Age is the factor which significantly impacts fertility for both men and women. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, which decline in both quantity and quality as they age. The most fertile period for women is in their 20s, with a notable decline starting in the early 30s and accelerating after 35. Hormonal changes with age can also affect ovulation and the menstrual cycle, making conception more challenging. Older maternal age is associated with increased risks of miscarriage, chromosomal abnormalities, and pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. For men, while they produce sperm throughout their lives, sperm quality and motility can decline with age, affecting the ability to conceive and increasing the risk of genetic abnormalities.

Strategies for Older Couples to Improve Conception Chances

Older couples can enhance their chances of conceiving through various strategies. First, maintaining preconception health is crucial. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet approach, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol. Regular medical check-ups to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid disorders are essential. Women should take prenatal vitamins, particularly folic acid, to prepare their bodies for pregnancy.

Optimising the timing of intercourse is also a key strategy. Couples should track ovulation using predictor kits, basal body temperature charting, or fertility tracking apps to identify the most fertile days of the menstrual cycle. Engaging in regular intercourse, particularly during the fertile window (the 5-6 days leading up to and including ovulation), can increase the chances of conception.

Infertility issues in older couples can be effectively resolved with medical therapies. Seeking a fertility evaluation is recommended if there are difficulties conceiving after 6-8 months of trying for women over 35, or one year for women under 35. Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are common options. IVF involves fertilising an egg with sperm outside the body and implanting the resulting embryo into the uterus, while ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg, useful in cases of male infertility. Using donor eggs or sperm can also increase the chances of conception, especially if the quality of the woman’s eggs or the man’s sperm is compromised at a later age.

Hormonal treatments like ovulation induction with medications can stimulate ovulation in women with irregular cycles. In some cases, hormone therapy can help balance reproductive hormones and improve fertility. Additionally, managing stress through techniques such as yoga, meditation, and counseling can positively affect fertility.

Embryo Freezing/Egg Freezing

Consulting a fertility specialist about embryo or egg freezing allows individuals to preserve their reproductive cells at a younger age, which typically offers higher quality and greater viability. This procedure can be particularly beneficial for those who may not be ready to conceive immediately due to career, personal, or health reasons. By freezing embryos or eggs, patients can safeguard their fertility, reducing the risks associated with advanced maternal age. A fertility specialist can provide comprehensive evaluations and personalised recommendations, ensuring informed decisions about reproductive planning.

Support and Counseling

The journey to conception can be emotionally challenging. Support from partners and family is invaluable. Professional fertility counselling can help couples cope with the emotional aspects of fertility treatments and decision-making, providing a supportive environment during this journey.

Although age might affect fertility, older couples can increase their chances of getting pregnant by using a variety of tactics. Choosing a healthy lifestyle, getting medical help when needed, and receiving required support can all greatly increase the chances of a good pregnancy. For older couples hoping to become pregnant, speaking with a fertility specialist offers personalised advice and treatment alternatives catered to each person's circumstances, providing hope and workable answers.

The author is Director- IVF & Fertility, Sahyadri Hospitals MomStory, Nagar Road, Pune 

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