Artemis Lite Hospital Organises Walk For Parkinson’s Awareness With Expert Sessions

The initiative, titled "Walk for Parkinson's," brought together individuals, experts, and healthcare professionals to shed light on the challenges faced by those battling this neurological disorder

Artemis Lite Multi Speciality Hospital in Gurugram recently hosted a Walkathon event aimed at raising awareness about Parkinson's disease. The initiative, titled "Walk for Parkinson's," brought together individuals, experts, and healthcare professionals to shed light on the challenges faced by those battling this neurological disorder.

The event, held on a Sunday morning, witnessed the participation of esteemed guests, including Dr. Sunita Godara, Coach, Marathon Mentor, and Asian Marathon Champion 1992, who graced the occasion with her presence.

Designed to engage participants in meaningful activities, the Walkathon was followed by a series of interactive sessions and therapeutic activities such as Zumba and Laughter Yoga. Expert sessions led by renowned specialists from Artemis Lite Hospital, including Dr. Sumit Singh, Dr. Aditya Gupta, Dr. Manish Mahajan, and Dr. Anita Singh from Sattvum Health, provided attendees with valuable insights into Parkinson's disease, its symptoms, treatment options, and surgical interventions.

Dr. Sumit Singh, Chief-Neurology and Parkinson's Specialist at Artemis Hospitals, emphasised the importance of timely diagnosis and comprehensive treatment for Parkinson's disease. He highlighted the diverse symptoms associated with the condition, including limb tremors, muscle stiffness, and impaired coordination, underscoring the significance of medical intervention in improving patients' quality of life.

In addition, Dr. Aditya Gupta, Chief-Neurosurgery at Artemis Hospitals, shed light on advanced surgical techniques such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery, which offers a promising treatment option for severe cases of Parkinson's disease. DBS surgery involves implanting a small device in the patient's chest to deliver electrical impulses to the brain, thereby stimulating motor functions and alleviating symptoms.

The Walk for Parkinson's event marked the beginning of a weeklong awareness campaign led by the team of experts from Artemis Group of Hospitals and AGRIM Institute of Neurosciences. 

Parkinson's disease, though commonly associated with the elderly, can also affect individuals across various age groups. 

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