
Brain Infections Spike During Monsoon In Indian Coastal & Rice Belt Regions, Experts Warn

Recent data from The Lancet Global Health indicate that coastal regions such as Karnataka and Odisha, northeastern states like Assam and Tripura, and northern states with rice belts like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, are endemic zones for viral encephalitis in India

Doctors at Amrita Hospital in Faridabad have warned about the increasing cases of brain infections in India's coastal and rice belt regions during the monsoon season. 

The high humidity and rise in mosquito breeding in these areas are leading to a surge in viral encephalitis and other brain infections, with children and the elderly being the most vulnerable.

Brain infections, or encephalitis, occur when the brain becomes inflamed due to infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. These infections can result in severe inflammation and damage to brain tissues, causing a range of neurological symptoms. While relatively rare in developed countries, brain infections remain a significant public health issue in South Asian nations like India. The incidence of these infections spikes during the monsoon due to favourable conditions for mosquito breeding, which are vectors for several viral infections such as dengue and Japanese encephalitis.

Recent data from The Lancet Global Health indicate that coastal regions such as Karnataka and Odisha, northeastern states like Assam and Tripura, and northern states with rice belts like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, are endemic zones for viral encephalitis in India.

Sanjay Pandey, Head of Neurology and Stroke Medicine at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, stated, “Brain infections can be of various types, including viral, bacterial, tubercular, fungal, or protozoal. Common symptoms include fever, headache, vomiting, seizures, and altered consciousness. Children and senior citizens are more prone to these infections due to their weaker immune systems. Parents should be vigilant for symptoms such as rashes and loss of consciousness in their children during this season. Early intervention is crucial in managing these infections effectively and improving patient outcomes. Preventing mosquito breeding and protecting against mosquito bites are essential steps. Untreated viral encephalitis can lead to serious conditions such as parkinsonism, dystonia, and tremor.”

“In India, treatments for brain infections vary depending on the type and cause. Bacterial infections are typically treated with antibiotics, while antiviral medications are used for viral infections like Japanese encephalitis and dengue. Tubercular brain infections require a prolonged course of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Fungal infections are treated with antifungal medications. Supportive care, including anti-seizure drugs, corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, and hospitalisation, is often necessary. Advanced cases might require intensive care and surgical interventions. Access to these treatments varies, with urban centres generally offering more comprehensive care,” he added.


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