
CAHOTECH 2024 Pitch Fest: Showcasing The Future Of Healthcare Innovation

The CAHOTECH 2024 Pitch Fest, happening today, promises to be an exciting platform for healthcare startups and innovators to present their groundbreaking solutions.

In the 9th edition of CAHOTECH 2024 Pitch Fest, happening today, promises to be an exciting platform for healthcare startups and innovators to present their groundbreaking solutions. The event started with a welcome address at 9:00 AM, followed by a series of rapid-fire pitches from companies specialising in cutting-edge technologies across artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology.

Proteger AI Private Limited opened the pitch sessions at 9:15 AM, followed by Dashamlav AI Labs, Prodiagnox Healthcare, Tavisha Robotics, and Velectron Labs, all within the first hour. These companies are set to introduce innovative solutions aimed at revolutionizing healthcare delivery and diagnostics.

Mid-morning pitches will feature companies like Prodoc.AI and Dfine Bioinnovation Private Limited, focusing on AI-driven healthcare applications. As per agenda, the session will conclude with DoorMonk Services Tech Private Limited and AMIVYA AI Labs.

After a lunch break, the event will resume with pitches from StrideAide, Caare Oral AI, and Reprosci Biosciences. This will be followed by Thryv Rehab Solutions and MEDVIT, with the final slots filled by companies like Vertisolve Medtech and Open MedLabs.

The day will conclude with presentations from Healthpro, Livofy, Biolockey Healthworks Private Limited, Doto Health (CareMother), and Aditus Healthtech Private Limited (Merry Health). CAHOTECH 2024's Pitch Fest is set to spotlight innovative ideas that could transform the healthcare landscape.

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