Debunking Myths On Palliative Care

Making informed choices for an empowered cancer journey

The fundamental building blocks of the human body are called cells. When the body requires new cells, they proliferate and divide to create them. Cells typically perish when they age or sustain injury. Then, fresh cells grow in their stead. When genetic alterations disrupt this well-ordered mechanism, cancer starts.


Harsh Mahajan, Founder and Chief Radiologist at Mahajan Imaging and Labs, discussed the evolving practice of PET scan referrals. He observed, "I do not think that general physicians are writing PET CT scans. Initially, even the oncologists were very hesitant to write those. And if we come to 2024, maybe for some follow-up CT scan PET CT, in consultation with the oncologist, physician or a GP may write it, but decision-making is on their own at least in this city."


Emphasising the importance of patient autonomy in line with Mahajan's point on decision-making, Anil Kumar Anand, Sr. Director and Head of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, stated, "I think patients should be the central figure to decide." Anand's comment highlights a concern many patients share, as he continues, "Many times, we tell patients to sit outside, and in many places the family comes and discusses it with the doctor, what is the line of management, what is the expected outcome? And the patient sitting outside feels the conspiracy going on."

Addressing a common misconception about radiation therapy,  Indu Bansal Aggarwal, Group Director and Head of Radiation Oncology at Paras Cancer Centre, explained, "Radiation oncology is a branch which has evolved, and a lot of significant improvements have been done in the treatment techniques." This directly addresses a concern many patients have, as Aggarwal clarifies, "Unlike chemotherapy, when you give something, it's injected through the vein into the bloodstream, so chemotherapy has its effect all over the body, but fortunately, radiation is a very focused, targeted treatment."

Reassuring patients about advancements in bone marrow transplants, Nataraj K S, Senior Consultant Hemato Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist at HCG Cancer Centre, said, "Bone marrow transplant used to be a painful procedure about 30-40 years back when we were not having sort of tailored treatments," he clarified.

Highlighting the importance of palliative care alongside other treatments, Charu Dutt Arora, Consultant Physician- Geriatrics and Palliative Care Provider at the Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, shared an anecdote, "While doing the palliative care counselling for a patient's family and when we asked them about what are the treatment options they have taken, the person refused for radiation oncology because their family thought it would be unsafe for the family members."

This insightful discussion at the BW Healthcare World's Oncology Summit provided valuable perspectives on various aspects of cancer care, empowering patients to make informed decisions throughout their journey. 

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