
Employee Wellness Programs Gain Momentum In Corporate India, MediBuddy-CII Report Finds

The report reveals a significant shift towards digital healthcare adoption and personalised wellness solutions, emphasising their critical role in employee loyalty and corporate performance

In a report titled "Mapping India's Corporate Health and Wellness Landscape," MediBuddy, India’s largest digital healthcare platform, in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), has highlighted the rising importance of employee wellness programs in corporate India. 

The report reveals a significant shift towards digital healthcare adoption and personalised wellness solutions, emphasising their critical role in employee loyalty and corporate performance.

The report reveals alarming burnout rates, with 62 per cent of Indian employees experiencing burnout, compared to the global average of 20 per cent. The report suggests that factors such as work-related stress, remote work challenges, and poor work-life balance are primary contributors. Additionally, a striking 71 per cent of employees spend an average of 5 per cent of their annual income on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses, highlighting the need for more comprehensive employer-provided healthcare options.

Despite the growing need, only 24 per cent of employees express satisfaction with their current workplace health options, indicating a significant gap between employee needs and existing corporate wellness programs. However, companies with comprehensive wellness programs report a 22 per cent increase in employee productivity and a 14 per cent decrease in medical costs per employee, based on healthcare claims. This demonstrates the tangible benefits of investing in employee health and wellness.

The report further indicates that 72 per cent of job seekers now consider employee wellness programs crucial in their decision-making process, underscoring a growing demand for personalised prevention strategies and convenient healthcare access. Many firms are extending wellness benefits beyond traditional IPD insurance to include consultations, medicines, lab tests, and mental health counselling. These benefits now often extend to dependents such as parents, children, partners (including same-sex partners), and siblings.

India's digital healthcare sector is experiencing unprecedented growth, driven by technological innovations like AI, data analytics, and 5G. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), a cornerstone government initiative, aims to establish the world's largest digital health ecosystem, focusing on universal health coverage and robust digital infrastructure.

Satish Kannan, Co-founder & CEO of MediBuddy, remarked, “We're witnessing a pivotal moment in Indian healthcare, particularly in the corporate sector. Employee well-being has evolved from a peripheral concern to a core business strategy. This report highlights a significant opportunity for Indian corporations to enhance their approach to employee health and wellness, serving as a roadmap for transformation.”

The report emphasises the importance of customised wellness programs tailored to employee demographics and personalised prevention strategies. Employees are looking for wellness programs that extend benefits to their loved ones, including dependents, and offer convenient healthcare options such as teleconsultations. Additionally, there is a growing preference for adaptable wellness programs that accommodate flexible work options, including virtual fitness classes and mental health apps. programs accommodating flexible work options, such as virtual fitness classes and mental health apps, are increasingly preferred.

Clear communication about benefits and data protection is crucial, and regular surveys are recommended to address health issues and measure outcomes, the report suggests.  Tech-powered wellness platforms are rising to meet the diverse needs of India's corporate workforce, prioritising preventive healthcare through regular screenings and promoting healthy habits to prevent chronic illnesses, thereby boosting overall health, productivity, and job satisfaction.



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