
Mankind Pharma Launches Ground-breaking Organ Donation Awareness Drive With 22,000 Employees

The campaign, aligned with the company’s motto of “Spreading Kindness,” seeks to address the critical shortage of organ donors, with the current donation rate in India at just 0.86 donors per million people

Mankind Pharma, a pharmaceutical company, has launched a major nationwide initiative to boost organ donation awareness in India. The campaign, aligned with the company’s motto of “Spreading Kindness,” seeks to address the critical shortage of organ donors, with the current donation rate in India at just 0.86 donors per million people.

In a press statement on Tuesday, the company informed that on August 4, it introduced a compelling video campaign to educate the public about the importance of organ donation and to challenge common myths about the practice. The video aims to highlight the life-saving potential of organ donation and encourages viewers to become donors.

A pivotal moment in this campaign occurred on Monday, August 12, when Mankind Pharma organised a special program at its office in collaboration with the National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) and leading medical experts. This event, broadcast live on YouTube, saw the participation of all 22,000 Mankind Pharma employees in a unified show of support for organ donation.

Rajeev Juneja, Vice-Chairman & Managing Director of Mankind Pharma, remarked, “Our organ donation awareness campaign is a testament to our commitment to improving healthcare outcomes in India. By engaging our employees and collaborating with experts, we honour the compassionate individuals who choose to donate organs. We encourage everyone to become organ donors and contribute to saving lives.”

Sheetal Arora, Chief Executive Officer & Whole-Time Director of Mankind Pharma, emphasised the importance of the campaign, stating, “With a donation rate of just 0.86 per million, increasing registered organ donors is crucial. This campaign aims to significantly raise awareness and encourage more people to become donors, potentially saving many lives.”

The live event featured presentations from renowned medical professionals, including Dr. Arvinder Singh Soin, Chairman of Liver Transplant at Medanta Gurugram, who addressed myths about organ donation. He noted, “One organ donor can save up to eight lives. Dispelling misconceptions about organ donation is vital in encouraging more people to register as donors.”

Dr. Anil Kumar, Director of NOTTO, highlighted the severity of the donor shortage in India, saying, “Mankind Pharma’s campaign is a crucial step in addressing this shortage. By raising awareness and simplifying the registration process, we can significantly increase the number of potential donors and offer hope to thousands awaiting transplants.”

The event concluded with a collective pledge by Mankind Pharma employees to support organ donation, setting a powerful example for other corporations. The company’s year-long campaign aims to inspire widespread participation and drive meaningful change in organ donation rates across India, the company's statement added.

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