MediBuddy Honors Doctors With #WhiteCoatHeroes Campaign On Doctors' Day

The initiative aims to recognise the invaluable contributions of doctors to society, highlighting their relentless efforts and the significant role they play in healthcare

MediBuddy, India’s leading digital healthcare platform, has launched the #WhiteCoatHeroes campaign to honour and celebrate the dedication and sacrifices of doctors on Doctors' Day. 

In a press statement on Monday, the company said that this initiative aims to recognise the invaluable contributions of doctors to society, highlighting their relentless efforts and the significant role they play in healthcare.

The campaign underscores the immense pressure on doctors, who often prioritise their patients' well-being over their own, amidst a challenging doctor-to-patient ratio of 1:1000. It serves as a poignant reminder of the crucial connection between doctor well-being and the quality of healthcare.

MediBuddy’s campaign video, titled #WhiteCoatHeroes, offers an emotional glimpse into a doctor's daily life. It showcases moments of comfort given to scared children and support extended to elderly patients, portraying doctors as both medical experts and empathetic caregivers who provide hope and healing.

Saibal Biswas, SVP and Head of Marketing, Partnerships & PR at MediBuddy, emphasised the campaign's importance: “In a country where each doctor serves thousands, their impact is immeasurable. Doctors are the backbone of our healthcare system, offering not just medical expertise but also humanity, comfort, and unwavering commitment. Through the #WhiteCoatHeroes campaign, we encourage everyone to reflect on the sacrifices made by these healthcare professionals and show their gratitude. This Doctors' Day, it’s about recognising their relentless pursuit of healing and the positive transformation they bring to countless lives.”

The #WhiteCoatHeroes campaign, conceptualised and produced by MediBuddy’s in-house creative team, aims to foster a deeper appreciation for doctors by highlighting both the challenges and triumphs of their profession. The 1-minute 17-second video will be shared across all social media platforms to amplify its reach, the statement added.

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