Merging Tradition &Technology For Better Health

In an exclusive conversation with BW Healthcare World, Sajeev Nair, Founder and Chairman of Vieroots Wellness Solutions, delved into how his Bengaluru-based health-tech startup is making biohacking accessible and relevant to the daily lives of busy Indians

Biohacking refers to an array of strategies aimed at optimising the body’s performance and potentially extending lifespan. While some biohacking practices might appear extreme, many, such as meditation and intermittent fasting, are well-established and supported by extensive research. What's emerging now is a movement focused on enhancing overall biological function. This modern quest for peak performance and longevity is gaining momentum, blending ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology. 

In an exclusive conversation with BW Healthcare World, Sajeev Nair, Founder and Chairman of Vieroots Wellness Solutions, delved into how his Bengaluru-based health-tech startup is making biohacking accessible and relevant to the daily lives of busy Indians.

Making Biohacking Accessible

"Biohacking, as it was practiced by some early adopters in the West, was indeed looked upon as an extreme practice," Nair explained. "It involved self-administration of unproven and risky biochemicals, as well as implantable chips with unknown long-term safety." However, three significant developments have transformed both the practice and perception of biohacking.

The first development was the discovery of the genetic roots behind lifestyle diseases. The second was the insight that radically positive lifestyles could prevent these genetic predispositions from being triggered. The third, more recent development came from the tech domain, making health wearables like smart rings, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health super apps accessible to most people.

"Based on these developments, the most effective biohacking today has evolved into Human Performance Optimization (HPO)," Nair continued. "HPO is all about research-validated and epigenetic-grade personalised lifestyle modifications that can keep hundreds of lifestyle diseases at bay or in perfect control. At the same time, HPO equips its adopters to achieve peak cognitive, emotional, and physical performance. This is precisely what Vieroots offers through our various products and solutions."

Nair emphasised that these dual aims of wellness and performance are particularly relevant to busy Indians, who can improve their health, energy, and performance to superhuman levels by integrating biohacks into their daily routines for diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management.

Combining AI and Ayurveda

Vieroots uniquely combines AI and Big Data with traditional Ayurvedic practices. Nair elaborated on how this approach helps identify and address lifestyle diseases prevalent in India, such as diabetes and heart disease.

"Combining the best practices of the West, like AI and Big Data, and the East, like its healing herbs and lifestyles, has been one of the hallmarks of Vieroots," he said. "For instance, the herb Terminalia Arjuna, known as Arjuna in Ayurveda, is one of the first-line treatments for various cardiac issues. It has been extensively studied in top medical universities in the West for its holistic action on the cardiac system."

Nair explained that ancient Ayurvedic practitioners undertook what was essentially one of the largest and longest-running clinical studies on Arjuna. "Today, we use tools like AI and Big Data to analyse the collective intelligence of humanity. By leveraging the ancient medical wisdom of the East and modern tech tools, Vieroots combines data from the West, the East, and the human body to achieve truly personalised Human Performance Optimization."

Proactive Health Management

Vieroots goes beyond detecting diseases by empowering Indian users to take a proactive approach to their health and prevent illnesses before they develop. Nair discussed how most lifestyle diseases have genetic roots and lifestyle triggers.

"For example, if you are genetically predisposed to type 2 diabetes, you may not develop it if you take extra precautions in your diet, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management," he said. "Our genetic test can detect risks for over 200 diseases years or decades before they develop. Combined with a detailed metabolic assessment, we provide precise, personalised lifestyle modifications through our EPLIMO product or the new 90-day HPO series."

Nair outlined the various programs available, such as ‘Optimize My Weight’, ‘Optimize My Sugar’, and ‘Optimize My Brain’, which offer comprehensive, personalised suggestions for diet, nutrition, supplements, exercise, yoga, and more.

Ensuring Data Privacy

With the proliferation of wearable technology, privacy concerns are paramount. Nair shared Vieroots' approach to ensuring user data privacy and security.

"When we launched the EPLIMO App on iOS, we adhered to Apple's stringent data privacy standards," he said. "Our new health super app, Trigr, maintains the same level of privacy across both iOS and Android. Trigr integrates data from wearables like smart rings, CGMs, and fitness trackers from all leading brands. We also safeguard much more valuable data like genetic information."

Nair hinted at future innovations, where clients might benefit financially from their health data by controlling access to it for research purposes.

Affordability and Accessibility

Addressing the cost concerns in Indian healthcare, Nair highlighted how Vieroots makes its services affordable and accessible.

"We have a slogan at Vieroots: ‘Wellness is always more affordable than illness,’" he said. "Reactive treatments can be destructively expensive. In contrast, our products, designed to keep lifestyle diseases at bay, are much more affordable. By identifying genetic risks and providing personalised lifestyle modifications, we help clients avoid expensive medical treatments."

Nair emphasised the focus on prevention and management through personalised solutions like the new HPO family of products, ensuring clients can achieve wellness without breaking the bank.

Future of Health Tech

Nair is optimistic about the future of health tech in India. "Many factors have come together in the 2020s for health-tech innovation," he said. "Affordable genetic testing, awareness about preventing lifestyle diseases, AI advancements, and the boom in health wearables are driving interest in proactive health management. India, with its young demographics and large pool of tech professionals, stands to benefit immensely."



Arya Rakshita

BW Reporters Trainee Correspondent

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