Nashik Doctors Perform Complex Surgery To Remove Bilateral Adrenal Tumour Despite Patient's High Risk

The six-and-a-half-hour procedure was performed under the leadership of Raj Nagarkar, Managing Director and Chief of Surgical Oncology & Robotic Services at HCGMCC

In a remarkable display of medical expertise and resilience, doctors at HCG Manavata Cancer Centre (HCGMCC) in Nashik successfully undertook a challenging surgery to remove a bilateral adrenal tumour from 21-year-old Mohammed Zaid, who was battling a life-threatening condition known as pheochromocytoma. 

The six-and-a-half-hour procedure was performed under the leadership of  Raj Nagarkar, Managing Director and Chief of Surgical Oncology & Robotic Services at HCGMCC.

Zaid, hailing from Malegaon, had been struggling with severe hypertension that had proven resistant to previous treatments. Upon arriving at HCGMCC, investigations revealed a growing mass near his adrenal gland, causing significant hormonal disruptions and volatile blood pressure levels.

Raj Nagarkar highlighted the challenges faced before the surgery, stating, “Mohammed Zaid presented with severe, uncontrolled hypertension despite prior medical interventions. The tumour near his adrenal gland posed critical risks, including potential fluctuations in blood pressure during and after surgery.”

Before he arrived at HCGMCC, Zaid had undergone various treatments elsewhere, including chemoembolisation and MIBG therapy, with limited success and complications such as stroke post-procedure.

"After thorough evaluation and consultation with our medical team, we opted for surgery due to the tumour's obstructive impact on essential organs," added  Nagarkar, underscoring the meticulous planning involved in Zaid’s case.

The surgical team, including specialists in surgical oncology, anaesthesia, and intensivist care, worked meticulously to execute the intricate procedure. Despite the inherent risks, the operation was successful, stabilising Zaid's blood pressure immediately post-surgery and allowing him to transition from ICU to regular care within a day.

Pheochromocytoma, characterised by hormonal imbalance from adrenal gland tumours, manifests with symptoms like persistent headaches and irregular heartbeats. The successful surgery not only restored normal blood pressure for Zaid but also offered a beacon of hope to patients grappling with similar conditions.

Nagarkar concluded, “This achievement underscores our centre's capabilities in complex medical interventions and compassionate patient care. Mohammed Zaid's journey exemplifies the resilience and determination required to overcome profound health challenges.”


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