
Pune’s IVF Success Rates Surge To 65% As Demographics Shift Toward Older Parents

Approximately 50 per cent of IVF patients in Pune are over the age of 35, reflecting a shift towards later-stage family planning

The field of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Pune, Maharashtra, has experienced remarkable advancements, with success rates now ranging between 60 per cent and 65 per cent representing a significant increase from the 30 per per cent to 35 per cent success rates observed two decades ago. Key factors contributing to this improvement include the adoption of advanced techniques such as embryo vitrification and the strategic transfer of blastocysts, which have greatly enhanced the likelihood of successful implantation.

Vaishali Chaudhary, Director of IVF & Fertility at Sahyadri Hospitals MomStory on Nagar Road, Pune, provided insights into the evolving IVF landscape in the city. She noted a notable demographic trend: approximately 50 per cent of IVF patients in Pune are over the age of 35, reflecting a shift towards later-stage family planning. Additionally, around 20 per cent of IVF treatments in the region involve the use of donor eggs or sperm, highlighting the importance of donor programs in addressing genetic and age-related fertility challenges.

Chaudhary also addressed the various challenges faced by couples undergoing IVF treatments, including the limited availability of specialised medical facilities in smaller towns and the psychological aspects of the treatment process. To mitigate these issues, strategies such as comprehensive counselling, flexible payment options, and virtual support groups have been implemented to provide support throughout the fertility journey.

“The remarkable advancements in IVF technology and techniques over the past few years have significantly enhanced our ability to help families achieve their dreams of parenthood at MomStory,” said Chaudhary. “Our focus remains on continuously improving both the technology and our approach to care, ensuring that every couple receives the best possible support on their fertility journey.” She also emphasised the importance of debunking common myths about IVF, such as concerns about abnormal children and exaggerated side effects, through extensive patient education and transparency.


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