Shifting Perspectives: Tackling Stigmas Surrounding Parental Recovery Care

As per the research paper published by, in India, the size of joint families has substantially reduced or is found in its fragmented form

In Indian society, the concept of caring for parents holds deep cultural significance rooted in traditional values like respect and care for elders. The ethos of "matru devo bhava, pitru devo bhava" (consider mother and father as gods) underscores the respect given to parental figures. Historically, multigenerational households have been common, where elders are revered and their wisdom cherished.

However, societal shifts, including urbanisation and globalisation, have brought about changes in familial structures and dynamics. As per the research paper published by, in India, the size of joint families has substantially reduced or is found in its fragmented form. Some have split into several nuclear families, while others have taken the form of extended or stem families.

While many Indians still uphold the tradition of caring for aging parents, modern lifestyles and economic pressures have led to challenges in fulfilling this obligation. This directly leads to hesitance in seeking help and hinders both parents and children from accessing vital support systems.

Challenges Encountered by Children and Parents

The reluctance to seek help leads to a cycle of silence, leaving both parents and children grappling with unaddressed needs with profound health implications. In India, parents play a crucial role as primary caregivers and role models for their children. However, their hesitance not only deprives them of necessary support but also sends an underlying message to their children about the acceptability of ignoring health concerns. Consequently, both parents and children may find themselves struggling with escalating health issues, delayed interventions leading to worse conditions, ultimately compromising their well-being and quality of life.

Meanwhile, another societal shift adds complexity to this issue. Children nowadays are moving outside their hometowns to other cities and countries for job opportunities, education, and better prospects, leaving their aging parents behind. As per the Longitudinal Aging Survey in India, depression amongst elderly people whose children have migrated is 24 percent higher than elderly who stay with their children, and it further increases with adjusting living arrangements and other socio-economic characteristics. This issue demands urgent attention and requires an immediate solution.

The Significance of Shifting Perspectives

It is important to challenge the prevailing stigmas surrounding parental recovery care and encourage a culture of openness and acceptance. Recognizing the courage it takes for parents to acknowledge their limitations and seek assistance is the first step towards handling these barriers. Similarly, children must be encouraged to view seeking help as an act of love and responsibility, rather than a sign of inadequacy.

By reframing the narrative surrounding parental care, we can create a supportive environment wherein both generations can prioritize their well-being without fear of judgment.

Raising Awareness of Healthcare Support for Parental Recovery

Increasing awareness about healthcare services available for parental recovery care is essential for ensuring optimal support and outcomes for families. By educating individuals, particularly children, about the resources and support systems in place for parents undergoing recovery, helps them to actively participate in their loved one's healing journey. These services may include:

1. Medical Care: Access to medical professionals such as physicians, nurses, and therapists who specialize in the treatment and management of specific health conditions or recovery needs.


2. Rehabilitation Services: Rehabilitation programs tailored to the individual needs of parents, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to aid in recovery and regain functional independence.


3. Home Healthcare: In-home nursing care, home health aides, or medical equipment rental services to support parents' recovery in the comfort of their own homes.


4. Psychological Support: Counseling, therapy, or support groups for both parents and children to address emotional distress, anxiety, or depression related to the recovery process.


5. Educational Resources: Informational materials, workshops, or online resources designed to educate parents and children about the recovery process, available support services, and strategies for coping with challenges associated with parental recovery care. In addition, tech platforms & gadgets exist that help monitor the health conditions of seniors, facilitating their pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling life.


How Senior Care Ecosystem Can be a Lifesaving Support

The senior care ecosystem serves as a vital support system for elderly individuals and their families, offering a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being. Within this structure, retirement communities serve as a central point for promoting healthy aging through engaging activities and supportive atmospheres. Meanwhile, rehabilitation centers address seniors' healthcare needs outside of hospitals, furnishing essential medical aid and rehabilitation services. Additionally, Dementia care centers specialize in providing support and compassionate care for seniors afflicted with Dementia.


Another approach is the senior care centers that play a pivotal role in assisting families as they navigate the challenges of caring for aging loved ones. These centers offer a wide array of services prepared to meet seniors' unique needs while providing reassurance for their families. Skilled caregivers within senior care centers develop personalized care plans encompassing medication management and medical supervision, guaranteeing seniors receive the assistance necessary to maintain independence and well-being.


Together, these elements form an integrated support network, ensuring seniors receive personalized attention and resources essential for preserving dignity, independence, and overall quality of life.

Need Of The Hour Forgetting stigmas and cultural norms, and prioritizing the well-being of parents is paramount. Their key ask is receiving the correct treatment and achieving the right recovery. Children play a crucial role in ensuring their parents receive the best healthcare facilities available. Opting for the right healthcare services safeguards them from long-lasting problems and enhances their quality of life.

It's also essential for children to understand that seeking the best medical care for their parents is an act of love and responsibility. By transcending societal expectations, families can make informed decisions that prioritize the health and happiness of their loved ones.

The author is COO & Group Medical Director, KITES Senior Care


Dr Reema Nadig

Guest Author The author is Chief Operating Officer & Group Medical Director at KITES Senior Care

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