
Surgeons Successfully Remove Giant 7.5 Kg Tumor From Patient's Abdomen

The tumour, described as a large predominantly fat-containing mass with multiple enhancing soft tissue components, had displaced several vital organs including the right kidney, liver, pancreas, and intestines

A medical team at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi has successfully removed a giant abdominal tumour measuring over one foot and weighing 7.5 kg from a 58-year-old male patient. The patient, who experienced a sudden heaviness and distension on the right side of his abdomen, was found to have a massive tumour during a CECT scan.

The tumour, described as a large predominantly fat-containing mass with multiple enhancing soft tissue components, had displaced several vital organs including the right kidney, liver, pancreas, and intestines. Despite the tumour's size, the patient was asymptomatic with no pain, appetite loss, weight loss, or weakness.

Manish K Gupta, Vice Chairman and Senior Laparoscopic & General Surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, led the surgical team, with vascular surgeons  Ajay Yadav and Dhruv Agarwal on standby. The intricate surgery, which lasted eight hours, involved meticulously dissecting and separating the tumour from critical structures like the duodenum, pancreas, ureter, and inferior vena cava.

The vascular surgery team played a pivotal role in safely detaching the tumour from the inferior vena cava, ensuring no damage to vital organs. The removed mass measured 37 x 23 x 16 cm and was classified as a rare giant retroperitoneal liposarcoma.

Following the surgery, the patient was monitored in the ICU and subsequently moved to a regular room after three days. He was discharged after a full recovery, seven days post-surgery.

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