
The Science Behind Hair Transplants

While genetics continue to play an important role in hair growth patterns and loss, modern-day lifestyles such as stress, food, and pollution are increasing the problem among youngsters

These days, a lot of people worldwide are affected by hair loss, which is becoming more common at younger ages. While genetics continue to play an important role in hair growth patterns and loss, modern-day lifestyles such as stress, food, and pollution are increasing the problem among youngsters. Advancements in medical sciences have been contributing a lot to resolve the issue with hair transplants being at the forefront. But before opting for a hair transplant, it is important to understand the science behind hair loss and hair transplant to achieve natural-looking results. 

Increasing Baldness among youngsters 

Young people have been witnessing increased hair loss. A combination of pollution, stress, anxiety, job pressure, and toxic chemicals is worsening the receding hairline problem especially among males in their 20s and 30s. The most frequent reason is still androgenetic alopecia, also referred to as male or female pattern baldness. Genetics and hormonal changes, particularly those brought on by the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on hair follicles, are the main causes of this disorder. 

Furthermore, eating too little or not enough nutrients might harm hair and increase its likelihood of shedding. Hair follicle damage brought on by pollution and other environmental factors can cause thinning and loss of hair. The confluence of these factors has led to a notable rise in the number of youth seeking further therapies for hair loss. Hair follicles and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 

The Science Behind Hair Transplant

Understanding the theory underlying hair growth is crucial before delving into the science of hair transplantation. Tiny structures under the skin called hair follicles are responsible for producing hair. The three stages of a hair follicle's development are telogen (resting), catagen (transition), and anagen (active growth). Hair follicles that have a protracted telogen phase or that compress, causing bald spots or thinning hair, are the causes of hair loss. 

On the other hand, hair transplantation has emerged as a popular option for people who are losing more hair. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE) are the two most often carried out procedures. The idea behind these procedures is to remove hair follicles from a donor site, which is typically the back of the head, where DHT therapies are applied to hair follicles. 

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

One of the most used current procedures for hair transplantation is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a tiny punch tool. The follicles are then gently placed into the recipient location. One of the key benefits of FUE is that it leaves very minimal scarring, making it an excellent alternative for people who prefer to keep their hair short. Moreover, patients may resume their normal activities in a matter of days as the healing time following the procedure is short and quick. 

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is another popular hair transplant procedure. It is also known as the strip technique, in which a skin strip containing hair follicles is taken from the donor area. The strip is then split into individual follicular units using a microscope. The transplanted hair is then placed in the recipient region. The FUT procedure may leave a scar at the donor location, but the surrounding hair will ultimately cover it. Patients who need more grafts will benefit the most from FUT since it can yield a higher follicle count in a single session.

Direct Hair Transplant 

Direct Hair Implantation is quite similar to the FUE procedure. Using a specialised tool known as the Choi Implanter Pen, hair follicles are extracted and implanted directly into the recipient region. This pen allows you to carefully regulate the angle, depth, and direction of each hair follicle, resulting in a lifelike appearance. The direct implantation approach increases the overall success of the transplant by reducing the follicles' stay outside the body and increasing their survival rate.

Autologous Hair Transplant (AHT) 

Autologous Hair Transplant (AHT) is known for its one-day surgery and overnight recovery, resulting in quicker outcomes and stronger growth. The process transplants hair in a specified pattern for the ideal hairline, resulting in more density than previous treatments. AHT maintains grafts in a specific growth factor preparation, which increases survival and regeneration. A unique aspect of AHT is that it enables the extraction and insertion of up to 4000 grafts in a single treatment without the need for hospitalisation. 

For those who are experiencing hair loss, especially the growing number of young adults, hair transplants offer a cosmetically acceptable and medically proven solution. By comprehending the fundamental causes of premature baldness and utilising sophisticated methods, specialists in hair restoration can produce outcomes that resemble genuine hair and boost self-assurance. Hair transplants appear to have a bright future as techniques develop, offering many individuals who are experiencing hair loss hope. 

The author is Founder and Managing Director, Monaris Hair Clinic


Dr. Arihant Surana

Guest Author Founder and Managing Director, Monaris Hair Clinic

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