
Truworth Wellness Study Shows Rising Heart Health Concerns Among Corporate India

The data reveals that 16 per cent of corporate employees are at an increased risk of developing cardiac disorders. Alarmingly, 31 per cent of those aged between 35 and 50 exhibit higher-than-normal cardiac risks for their age

A recent study conducted by Truworth Wellness has revealed a significant rise in heart health issues among India's corporate workforce. With the corporate sector serving as the backbone of the country's economic growth, the health of its employees is now at critical risk. The study, involving 6,326 corporate employees, highlights the growing prevalence of cardiovascular disorders and emphasises the urgent need for businesses to prioritise comprehensive wellness initiatives that address not only physical health but also mental and social well-being.

The data reveals that 16 per cent of corporate employees are at an increased risk of developing cardiac disorders. Alarmingly, 31 per cent of those aged between 35 and 50 exhibit higher-than-normal cardiac risks for their age. Additionally, 20.83 per cent of participants reported deranged lipid profiles, which are a key indicator of heart disease, and 20.4 per cent showed prediabetic blood sugar levels, further raising their vulnerability to heart-related conditions.

The study also notes that 15.55 per cent of corporate workers face major risk factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, high body mass index (BMI), and elevated stress levels. Moreover, 7.4 per cent are managing comorbidities like hypertension, while 10.71 per cent have already been diagnosed with diabetes.

Dr. Advait Sharma, Chief Medical Officer at Truworth Wellness, stressed the importance of a shift from transactional wellness benefits to transformational programs that address the root causes of these health issues. “While awareness of health and fitness has improved in corporate settings, we are still witnessing a surge in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), especially among younger professionals in high-stress environments. Companies must implement preventive strategies such as regular health check-ups, personalised wellness plans, and initiatives promoting balanced diets and physical activity.”

The report calls for businesses to adopt proactive measures, including biometric screenings, stress audits, and tailored wellness interventions. Additionally, stress management programs, mental health support, and a workplace culture that encourages work-life balance are vital for fostering sustained physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

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