
USAID & Samhita Foundation Launch Women's Health & Livelihood Alliance (WOHLA) In India

In a collaborative effort to address the multifaceted challenges faced by women in India, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Samhita’s Collective Good Foundation launched the Women’s Health and Livelihood Alliance (WOHLA) on Thursday. This initiative aims to empower women in underserved communities across India by bridging the gaps in healthcare access and economic opportunities.

WOHLA seeks to empower women by providing them with increased access to sexual and reproductive health information, services, and products. Additionally, it aims to enhance their financial and digital literacy, thereby creating opportunities for livelihood and fostering greater participation in the workforce.

Dr Atul Gawande, USAID Assistant Administrator for Global Health, emphasised the importance of women's economic security and rights in building resilient communities and economies. He highlighted WOHLA's role in providing career development and job opportunities for women, alongside expanding access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services, which promote gender equity and economic security.

Dr Amit Bhanot, India Country Director and Chief of Party at USAID’s Frontier Health Market (FHM) Engage program, outlined WOHLA's strategic approach in mobilising private sector resources and fostering partnerships to prioritise the relationship between women's reproductive health and professional advancement. He underscored the potential of WOHLA to eliminate gender-based violence and promote holistic empowerment for women.

Priya Naik, Founder and CEO of Samhita Social Ventures, expressed the organisation's commitment to advancing women's well-being through WOHLA interventions. She emphasised the focus on increasing access to reproductive healthcare information, products, and services, alongside unlocking livelihood interventions to empower young women.

Sandeep Varma, Chief Executive Officer of The Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprise, Ministry of Medium and Small Enterprises, reiterated the commitment to scaling micro and small enterprises led by women in the healthcare sector. He highlighted the goal of empowering these enterprises to achieve economic growth through essential credit accessibility.

The launch of WOHLA signifies a concerted effort to address the holistic needs of women in India, aiming to create a future where every woman has access to comprehensive healthcare and economic opportunities for thriving, the press statement read.

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