
Wockhardt Hospitals Highlights Gender Gaps In Heart Attack Treatment

The findings reveal a significant gender disparity in the administration of primary angioplasty, with male patients far outnumbering female patients across all age groups

On the occasion of World Heart Day, Wockhardt Hospitals Mumbai Central has released a comprehensive analysis of Primary Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction (PAMI) procedures performed over the past three years. The data provides critical insights into the gender and demographic trends in heart attack treatment, emphasising the life-saving role of Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) during acute myocardial infarctions.

The findings reveal a significant gender disparity in the administration of primary angioplasty, with male patients far outnumbering female patients across all age groups. The breakdown shows that in the 25-35 age group, 100 per cent of the patients were male. In the 35-45 age group, males accounted for 88.89 per cent of the cases, and in the 44-55 age group, 82.35 per cent were male. Overall, the data reflects that 86.02 per cent of the patients who underwent this emergency procedure were male, compared to just 13.98 per cent female.

Dr. Parin Sangoi, Cardiologist at Wockhardt Hospitals, commented, “Heart disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide, yet research reveals intriguing gender-based differences. Women, particularly before menopause, are often protected against heart attacks due to the cardioprotective effects of estrogen. However, after menopause, this advantage diminishes, making women equally at risk. Furthermore, women’s heart attack symptoms tend to differ from classic presentations, which can lead to delayed diagnosis and worse outcomes.”

The data underscores the importance of raising awareness about heart health among women, particularly as they age and face increasing risks. Wockhardt Hospitals emphasises the need for early awareness, regular heart screenings, and education on recognising a typical heart attack symptoms, which may include fatigue, nausea, or discomfort in the neck or jaw, rather than the classic chest pain.

Gender and Demographic Disparities 

In addition to gender differences, the PAMI analysis highlights notable variations in the timing and effectiveness of interventions across different age groups. Delays in seeking treatment are more common in certain demographics, underscoring the importance of public education on the urgency of recognising heart attack signs and pursuing immediate medical attention. Timely treatment is crucial for improving survival rates and reducing long-term damage from heart attacks.

“At Wockhardt Hospitals, we are committed to fostering awareness about heart health for both genders, but especially for women over 50, who face increasing risks due to lifestyle factors such as smoking, diabetes, and stress,” Dr. Sangoi added. “Heart health awareness and equitable access to life-saving treatments must be a priority in our community,' he added.

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