Global pharma major Lupin on Thursday said that it has achieved a key milestone for its novel MALT1 (Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma Translocation Protein 1) inhibitor program that is partnered with AbbVie Inc. (AbbVie) towards treatment across a range of haematological cancers.
"As part of the agreement, Lupin has received USD 25 million from AbbVie for initiation of Phase 1 clinical studies successfully. Lupin had earlier received USD 30 million from AbbVie for the achievement of other milestones in the program," the company said in a statement.
Lupin and AbbVie inked the licensing, development, and commercialization agreement in 2018 for this novel oncology drug to treat Hematological Cancers. Lupin’s MALT1 inhibitor developed as part of its oncology pipeline had previously shown pre-clinical activity as a single agent as well as in combination.
“This achievement is further validation of our ability to successfully develop novel treatments for unmet needs. We look forward to continued successful development of this important treatment for patients with difficult-to-treat cancers,” said Nilesh Gupta, Managing Director, Lupin.
The company said that its Novel Drug Discovery and Development (NDDD) team is focused on building a pipeline of highly differentiated and innovative new chemical entities in the oncology space.