Sir Ganga Ram Hospital's Orthopedic Team Transforms Life Of Teen With Crooked Legs

Ayesha, a teenage girl from Himachal Pradesh, faced the challenge of crooked legs which led to increased introversion during her school years, fueled by feelings of inferiority and social isolation

Bowlegs, also known as crooked legs, highlight a fascinating interplay between genetics, growth, and overall health. While sometimes a natural skeletal variation, they can also signify deeper health issues. The orthopaedic team at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has pioneered a surgical technique to correct this condition, marking a significant advancement in medical treatment in India.

Ayesha, a teenage girl from Himachal Pradesh, faced the challenge of crooked legs which eventually led to increased introversion during her school years, fueled by feelings of inferiority and social isolation.

After searching through various renowned hospitals in North India, Ayesha's family finally came to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, known for its expertise in orthopedic deformity correction surgery.

Ayesha's treatment incorporated Robotic Software technologies. Dr Manish Dhawan, Senior Deformity Correction Surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, explained, “We used Six Axis Correction and computer software to correct her deformity. This is a Hexapod with six legs that can move in any direction, similar to the technology used in the Chandrayaan Pragyan Rover.”

The approach, including the Ilizarov Fixator and Six-Axis Correction software, played a crucial role in correcting Ayesha’s leg deformities and increasing her height by two inches. Ayesha underwent a challenging two to three-month surgery. She took time to recover, but she is now healthy and working at a nationalised bank in Uttar Pradesh.

Dr Brajesh Nandan, Senior Consultant Orthopedics at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, emphasised the hospital's commitment to treating more than 100 cases of referred deformity patients, showcasing their dedication to high-quality medical care.


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