
Anurag Khosla


The author is CEO, Aetna India

Latest Articles By Anurag Khosla

How Tech Is Improving Healthcare Accessibility For The Elderly

Healthcare for the elderly is seeing incremental changes due to the percolating effect of healthcare and health-tech adaptiveness in families. The health-tech adaptability in the Indian elderly populace is distinctively laid on the robust foundation of telecommunication, information technology, and government policies

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Interoperability: The Enabler Of Digital Health Penetration In India

Interoperability essentially addresses and curtails explanation and re-explanation of patient diagnosis, repetition of tests and procedures, medication, test results, misplaced records, incomplete information, billings and claims extrapolating the information thereof

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NDHM: AI And ML Can Be Game Changers

Although AI and ML have revolutionised and changed the face of many sectors, their application in digital healthcare is of critical importance.

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Telemedicine: Superhighway Connecting Rural Population To Urban Healthcare

Access to quality healthcare remains a big challenge facing rural communities due to the dearth of provider network and hospitals that lack trained doctors and other healthcare personnel.

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