
Dr Kshitiz Murdia


The author is CEO and Co-founder of Indira IVF

Latest Articles By Dr Kshitiz Murdia

Age-Related Considerations In IVF & Alternative Reproductive Options

In recent years, there has been a notable trend of individuals pursuing IVF at later stages in life, driven by various societal, economic, and personal factors

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Understanding What It Means To Become A Father With Dwindling Male Fertility

Infertility affects millions worldwide, with 40 per cent of cases attributed to male factors, yet discussions on male infertility are often overshadowed by those on female infertility

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World IVF Day 2023: Debunking Fact, Misconceptions About IVF

World IVF Day, celebrated on July 25th each year, is an occasion to raise awareness about In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and its impact on fertility treatment worldwide. With estimates suggesting that there are 34 million infertile couples, it is essential to address the numerous misconceptions surrounding IVF

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Benefits And Risks Associated With Social Egg Freezing

Choosing the option of social egg freezing allows young women to become biological parents by freezing their eggs that can be thawed at a later stage.

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Pregnancy And Breastfeeding After Breast Cancer

It is advised that women should wait for at least two years before trying to conceive after the completion of breast cancer treatment.

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