
Articles for RGCIRC

Experts Convene At RGCIRC’s Onco Critical Care Conference To Tackle Challenges In Oncology Care

The event focused on addressing critical gaps in oncology care, emphasising the necessity of specialised care units for severe cancer-related conditions and the need for advanced expertise among onco-critical care professionals

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RGCIRC Completes Clinical Trials On Telesurgery Using SSI Mantra Robot

The trial included six surgical procedures, starting with a patient suffering from urinary bladder carcinoma, followed by nephrectomy, hysterectomy, and cystectomy

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RGCIRC Hosts Breast Cancer Update Conference 2024

Renowned oncologists presented significant findings from recent studies and trials on targeted therapies, immunotherapy treatments like Pembrolizumab, cyclin inhibitor tablets, and new surgical procedures and radiation techniques

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RGCIRC & PROJECT I AM ENOUGH Champion Breast Reconstruction Awareness For Cancer Survivors

Breast cancer incidence is projected to increase from 2.3 million new cases in 2020 to over three million by 2040

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