Apollo And Datar Genetics Launch First Blood Test In India To Detect Early Breast Cancers

Apollo Cancer Centres in collaboration with Datar Cancer Genetics have launched India’s first blood test to detect early stage breast cancer. Introduced under the name EasyCheck Breast, the blood test is set to take a grand entry in the arena of screening tools for breast cancer.

The blood test is made by Datar Cancer Genetics and is already available in more than 15 countries including Europe, it is now made available in India exclusively through Apollo Cancer Centres. Apollo management informed that the test will be available in all its facilities across India starting by 22nd of June with a price of Rs 6000. The test can also be availed by dialing a helpline number.

The test works on Circulating Tumour Cells detection(CTCs), the CTCs are cancer cells which break off from the original tumour into the bloodstream, the CTC test is also termed as a liquid biopsy, minimally invasive method to learn more about the cancer cells. The test requires only 5 ml of blood to assess the possibility of cancer.

CTC blood tests earlier were a common additional test after one was diagnosed for breast cancer but this is changed now as with the newly introduced test by Datar has shown the highest sensitivity and specificity in CTCs ever. The test was approved by USFDA as a screening test for breast cancer for women over the age of 40 years in November 2021. Datar has entered into a strategic partnership with Apollo Cancer Centres to deliver its one of a kind test in India.

Dr Chirantan Bose, Director, Patient Services, Datar Cancer Genetics informed at the launch that the Easy Check Breast test is highly effective in detecting an early stage cancer with success rates of upto 80 per cent in stage zero, 90 per cent in stage one, 95 per cent in stage 2 and 3 and a full 100 per cent in the advanced stage. The test has been validated on population size cohorts of over 20,000 healthy asymptomatic women and cancer patients. 

With a 99 per cent sensitivity and a 88 percent specificity the test has a huge advantage as a screening tool for the rising stack of breast cancers in India. The early detection of breast cancer is key in the survival rate of a patient. 50 per cent patients diagnosed with breast cancer in India end up losing their lives mainly due a late detection of the cancer which is already in advanced stages. 

Although Dr Ramesh Sarin, senior surgical oncologist, Apollo Delhi, cautioned at the launch that one should use this test as a screening tool and once confirmed positive, one should undergo further conventional tests like Mammography, Ultrasonography for the treatment, terming it as a additional test for breast cancer and not a replacement test.

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