Combating Childhood Myopia

Studies suggest that the prevalence of myopia in Asian populations approaches the rate of 37–60 per cent

Childhood myopia is on the rise, posing significant challenges to vision health globally. In an exclusive interaction with BW Healthcare, Radhika Francis, Business Head of Myopia at EssilorLuxottica India, discusses the factors contributing to this surge and the urgent need to address it. She also delves into EssilorLuxottica’s innovative lens technologies designed to combat childhood myopia and their future initiatives for advancing paediatric eye health worldwide.

Factors Contributing to the Surge in Childhood Myopia

Radhika Francis highlights several key factors contributing to the rising trend of childhood myopia. "Childhood myopia is not merely a matter of vision, it's a reflection of how we view the world. Environmental factors and family history play significant roles," she says.

  1. Reduced Outdoor Time: Children today are spending less time outdoors, which research suggests is crucial for healthy eye development.

  2. Extended Near Work: Prolonged focus on near objects, whether reading books or using digital devices, contributes to myopia.

  3. Genetic Factors: Children of both parents with myopia have a higher risk of developing the condition compared to those with one myopic parent. If one parent is myopic, the child's risk doubles, and if both are, the risk is five times greater.

The rise in childhood myopia is urgent to address due to its long-term implications. "Uncorrected myopia can hinder learning and participation in activities, and early onset can worsen over time, leading to serious sight problems later in life. Regular eye exams and promoting healthy habits like outdoor play can help slow this trend," Francis emphasises.

Essilor Luxottica's Innovative Lens Technologies

EssilorLuxottica is pioneering the fight against childhood myopia with its innovative Essilor Stellest lenses. These lenses utilise H.A.L.T. (Highly Aspherical Lenslet Target) technology, which involves a series of tiny, invisible lenses arranged in a specific pattern. This creates a volume of non-focused light in front of the retina, helping to slow down the elongation of the eyeball, a key factor in myopia progression.

Unique Features of Essilor Stellest Lenses

Francis elaborates on how Essilor Stellest lenses stand out in addressing myopia in children. "Backed by over 30 years of research, these lenses offer two main benefits: myopia correction through a large single vision zone for sharp vision in all gaze directions, and myopia control via H.A.L.T. technology, which slows down eye elongation and myopia progression."

Essilor Stellest lenses not only correct myopia but also control its progression without compromising on aesthetics and comfort. "They slow down myopia progression by 67 per cent on average compared to single vision lenses, when worn for at least 12 hours per day," Francis adds.

Advancing Paediatric Eye Health Globally

EssilorLuxottica is committed to advancing paediatric eye health through various initiatives. "For over 30 years, we have been addressing myopia by advancing research, developing innovative products, and raising public awareness," Francis notes. Partnerships with organizations like the International Myopia Institute and the World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology (WSPOS) enhance awareness and education among eye care professionals and the public.

Essilor Luxottica’s learning platform, Leonardo, offers dedicated myopia resources annually to help eye care practitioners incorporate myopia management into their routine practice.

Ensuring Accessibility in Regions with Limited Eye Care Services

Addressing the challenge of accessibility, particularly in regions like South Asia, EssilorLuxottica collaborates with local eye care professionals to raise awareness and train them on using Essilor Stellest lenses. "We are exploring innovative ways to deliver eye care solutions, including telemedicine consultations and mobile eye care units, to reach remote areas," Francis explains. "We aim to bridge the gap and ensure children in all regions benefit from advancements like Essilor Stellest lenses."

The Future of Childhood Myopia Management

Looking ahead, Francis envisions significant impacts from EssilorLuxottica’s efforts in combating childhood myopia. "Given the rising prevalence and related complications, simply correcting myopia is no longer enough. A multidisciplinary approach through collaboration is essential. We will continue to expand our partnerships, advance innovative solutions, and educate healthcare professionals to better manage myopia. Together, we can make a much-needed impact on children’s lives and shape a healthier future for generations to come," she concludes.

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