Dilip Singh Rathore : Leading JB Pharma's Charge In India's Growing Chronic Disease Market

"The Indian pharmaceutical market for chronic diseases is experiencing significant growth. By leveraging our expertise in chronic therapies and dedication to innovation and brand development, JB Pharma is well-positioned to continue its upward trajectory in the Indian pharmaceutical market." - Dilip Singh Rathore, President-India Business, JB Pharma

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is on the cusp of a major transformation, with the chronic therapy segment witnessing a surge in growth. Dilip Singh Rathore, President of JB Pharma's India Business, is at the forefront of this exciting shift. In this interview, Mr. Rathore sheds light on JB Pharma's strategic approach to capitalising on this opportunity, the company's unwavering commitment to patient well-being, and its vision for shaping the future of chronic disease management in India.

Capitalising on the Chronic Care Opportunity

The Indian pharmaceutical market is experiencing a significant shift, with the chronic disease segment growing at an exceptional pace. JB Pharma, a leader in the cardiology and hypertension space, is well-positioned to benefit from this trend. Rathore highlights the company's strategic focus: "JB Pharma's biggest bet is the India market, as it contributes to 50 per cent of the revenue. Almost half of our domestic sales already stem from chronic therapies, and with a target of reaching 60 per cent, we are strategically positioning ourselves to capitalise on this expanding market segment."

This strategic focus is reflected in JB Pharma's impressive growth trajectory. "JB Pharma has been the fastest-growing pharmaceutical company within the Indian Pharmaceutical Market (IPM) for 3 consecutive calendar years amongst the top 25 pharma companies," says Rathore. “Our cardiology franchises are valued at 1000 crores today,” he added.

Beyond Cardiology and Hypertension: Expanding the Therapeutic Horizons

While JB Pharma is a leader in cardiology and hypertension treatment, the company recognises the need to diversify its offerings to address a wider range of chronic conditions. Rathore elaborates on JB Pharma's focus areas beyond cardiology and hypertension: "We are strategically focusing on expanding our presence in other specific chronic therapy areas to sustain future growth. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a key area for us. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial in managing CKD and preventing disease progression. JB Pharma's portfolio of products aims to address these needs by providing solutions that not only delay disease progression but also offer sustained protection for individuals with CKD."

In addition to CKD, JB Pharma is also setting its sights on therapies in areas like probiotics, pediatrics, gastroenterology, respiratory medicine, and ophthalmology. This strategic expansion positions the company to cater to the evolving needs of the Indian population.

Ensuring Affordability and Accessibility

Increased competition in the chronic therapy space necessitates strategies to ensure that medications remain accessible and affordable for the Indian population. Rathore explains JB Pharma's multi-pronged approach: "We continuously review and adjust our pricing structures to stay competitive in the market, striking a balance between affordability and sustaining our operations."

Patient awareness initiatives also play a critical role. "We actively engage in various initiatives and health camps to raise awareness among patients about chronic conditions and the importance of proper treatment and management," says  Rathore.

Investing in research and development is another key strategy for JB Pharma. "Our R and D efforts are dedicated to enhancing patient compliance, and well-being, and providing long-term, consistent therapy for chronic conditions in India. We aim to alleviate the burden on patients and empower them to effectively manage their conditions," explains  Rathore. JB Pharma's extensive reach across India further ensures that its medications are accessible to a broad population.

Innovation at the Forefront: JB Pharma's R and D Focus

Chronic disease management hinges on continuous innovation. Rathore elaborates on JB Pharma's R and D initiatives: "One of our key objectives in chronic disease management is to enhance patient compliance and comfort. We understand that reducing pill burden and frequency of consumption are crucial pain factors. Therefore, we focus on developing extended-release dosage forms that provide prolonged therapeutic effects, minimising the need for frequent dosing."

JB Pharma is also a pioneer in osmotic technology, a method that ensures sustained drug release within the body. "Despite the longer production time required for osmotic release tablets, we have invested in state-of-the-art machinery to manufacture these, highlighting our commitment towards ‘patient first’ approach," says Rathore. The company's 1:1 co-crystal technology for heart failure is another example of its innovative approach.

A Collaborative Effort: Combating Counterfeit Drugs

Counterfeit drugs pose a significant threat to patient safety in India.  Rathore emphasises the importance of collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies: "Collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies is crucial in combatting the pervasive issue of counterfeit drugs in India. To ensure the safety and security of the drug supply chain, enhanced regulatory oversight is essential. This entails the inspection of manufacturing facilities, distribution channels, and pharmacies to enforce compliance with quality standards.

Additionally, establishing transparent channels for information sharing is key, enabling stakeholders to identify vulnerabilities and address them effectively. Embracing technological solutions such as blockchain and serialisation can enhance traceability and authentication, enabling quick detection and isolation of counterfeit products. Public awareness campaigns play a vital role in educating all about the risks of counterfeit drugs, empowering them to identify legitimate products and report suspicious activities. The pharma companies along with the government must make the most of the QR code tracking facility which ensures avoiding stocking of substandard or counterfeit medications across borders.

Furthermore, capacity building and training initiatives for regulatory officials and law enforcement agencies enhance their ability to detect and combat counterfeit drugs efficiently. Stakeholder engagement is crucial, facilitating regular dialogue and collaboration to coordinate efforts effectively. By working together in a collaborative and coordinated manner, the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory bodies can strengthen the integrity of the drug supply chain in India, safeguarding public health from the dangers of counterfeit medicines."

Building a Robust Supply Chain and Leveraging Technology

JB Pharma's manufacturing prowess translates into consistent quality and safety for chronic disease medications. Stringent quality control measures are implemented throughout the manufacturing process, adhering to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines. Robust testing protocols further ensure the quality of raw materials, intermediates, and finished products. These efforts demonstrate JB Pharma's commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare products.

As technology continues to revolutionise healthcare, JB Pharma is actively leveraging advancements to improve patient care.  Rathore cites the company's "BP Right Karo" initiative as an example: "Through 'BP Right Karo,' JB Pharma has expanded its reach across digital platforms like WhatsApp, 1 Mg, and Via In-clinic Trainings. This initiative integrates technology seamlessly into healthcare delivery, ensuring convenience and accessibility for patients." The initiative empowers patients to monitor their blood pressure at home and promotes proactive management of hypertension.

Improving Healthcare Outcomes: A Focus on Chronic Disease Management

JB Pharma's commitment to chronic therapy areas contributes significantly to improving overall healthcare outcomes in India. "Our strategic focus has been on lifecycle management of major brands and targeted launches in critical segments such as heart failure, diabetes, and nephrology," explains  Rathore. The acquisition of Azmarda from Novartis further strengthens JB Pharma's position in chronic therapies.

The company also emphasises patient education and awareness through impactful campaigns like "BP Right Karo" and the "#Heart2HeartChallengeIndia." These initiatives not only raise awareness but also encourage patients to take charge of their health.

Navigating the Challenges: A Look Ahead

The Indian chronic therapy market presents several challenges, including the need for continuous innovation and ensuring medication affordability. Rathore acknowledges these challenges: "We recognize the importance of innovation, and we have embarked on developing the lifecycle of new brands." JB Pharma is also committed to collaborating with stakeholders to develop solutions that promote access to quality medications while addressing affordability concerns.

Shaping the Future of Chronic Disease Management

As JB Pharma approaches its 50th anniversary in 2026, the company has a clear vision for the future. "Our vision is grounded in our commitment to accelerating the growth of our top brands and expanding our presence across key therapeutic areas," says Rathore. JB Pharma will continue to prioritise innovation, leverage technology, and develop cutting-edge treatments to improve the quality of life for patients with chronic diseases. By staying true to its core value of "Good People for Good Health," JB Pharma is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of chronic disease management in India.

This interview with Dilip Singh Rathore offers a glimpse into JB Pharma's strategic approach to the growing chronic disease market in India. The company's unwavering focus on innovation, affordability, and patient well-being positions it as a leader in this critical healthcare segment. As JB Pharma continues to expand its offerings and leverage technology, it is poised to make a significant contribution to improving the lives of millions of Indians living with chronic illnesses.

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