
Genetic Testing: Decoding Future Of Preventive Healthcare

Genes are responsible for the complete construction and function of our bodies. Genes are tiny portion of DNA that contains instructions that tell cells how to build proteins. The majority of actions in the human body are carried out by different proteins. Hormones, enzymes, antibodies and other proteins, for example, have their manufacturing instructions encoded in the DNA.

A person’s hair colour, height, eye colour and other characteristics are all determined by genes.

Because genes play such a crucial role in our overall well-being, they can also aid in disease prevention. How? We could wonder. Genetic testing is the only way to find out.

Genetic testing is a technologically advanced preventative tool that can personalise a person's health and thus reduce the costs associated with non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It determines a person's susceptibility to genetic illnesses by identifying variations in their genes, proteins and chromosomes.

These tests help us understand the genetic variants that influence our health -traits, the foods we're sensitive to, the rate at which our bodies burn calories, the medicine we should take and so on. We can also learn about hereditary health concerns, as well as the best workout and skincare routines to follow.

Clinical genetic testing and personal genomics testing are the two most common types of genetic tests.

Clinical genetic testing - This involves the examination of DNA or RNA in a laboratory to find out or to rule out the chances of a genetic disease. This test is designed to diagnose conditions before or after the onset of symptoms and suggest measures based on the outcomes of the report.

For various issues, numerous types of clinical genetic tests are available. It includes:

· Presymptomatic and predictive testing

· Carrier testing.

· Pharmacogenetic testing

· Prenatal testing.

· Newborn screening.

· Preimplantation testing.

Genetic testing can help ensure that the foetus is developing normally and is healthy in pregnant women between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy through prenatal testing. A newborn screening determines whether or not the child has any metabolic or congenital abnormalities. Under the supervision of a geneticist, the technique and outcomes are generally better understood.

Personal Genomic Testing - This type of testing is critical in the field of individualised and preventative healthcare. It can predict a person's vulnerability to a disease, as well as the drugs and treatments that are best suited to their health.

As a result, the test allows you to get a DNA analysis:

• A thorough awareness of one's genetic makeup

• Allows you to personalise your lifestyle by making dietary and physical modifications.

• Delaying or avoiding illness onset by detecting symptoms and scheduling frequent health examinations

How genetic testing aids in the prevention of non-communicable and lifestyle disorders

NCD prevention is important

With work and academic pressures mounting, many people neglect to prioritise their health. People spend hours working or binge-watching on their laptops, leading to a primarily sedentary lifestyle. Unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, substance misuse (drugs, cigarettes and alcohol) and other factors all contribute to the development of NCDs. As a result, heart problems, fatty liver, diabetes and a variety of other health problems arise.

Environmental pollutants, such as air pollution, have been linked to a rise in the occurrence of asthma, cancer and other health problems in society.

However, genetic testing plays an important role in the predisposition in various lifestyle diseases and health conditions. Along with a change in lifestyle habits, genetic testing helps in identifying the risk of diseases which helps in early treatment and adaption of healthy habits.

Level of awareness among the Indian population regarding genetic testing.

Awareness and perception amongst the Indian mass

The majority of Indians are unaware about genetic testing. People are primarily familiar with the word in the context of DNA tests used in paternity testing and forensic investigations.

The general public is unaware of the importance of genetic testing in terms of health and fitness. Even the educated middle class, which includes clinicians, is unaware of the potential benefits of genetic testing.

People from rural areas have little to no knowledge about genetic testing when they relocate to the interior. And the causes are clearly due to a lack of access to high-quality healthcare as well as a scarcity of diagnostic centres and hospitals in the area. In many communities, the concept of genetic testing is unheard of.

Reasons for lack of awareness

Lack of awareness and acceptance are two major roadblocks to integrating genetic testing into normal healthcare.

There are a few reasons for the lack of widespread acceptance of genetic testing:

- No education about this field except at higher levels

- Lack of studies done on Indian population and hence no propagation of knowledge

- Not many market players in this domain

- No mass education and awareness program

- A large fraction of the Indian population (not literate) don't access websites or read newspapers. Even if the knowledge is available, it is not effectively disseminated to the general public

- No awareness on channels more accessible to the general public like TV, radio, social media, in a language known to them

- Not propagated through influential personalities

- Less awareness at clinician level: no prescription, thus, no understanding at the general population level

- Financial concern

Genetic testing to plan an effective fitness routine and diet

Fitness and Diet

A person's response to a specific form of exercise and how it affects their body is determined by genetic polymorphisms. People with a variation of the Fat Mass and Obesity (FTO) gene that increases body weight, for example, are more likely to benefit from physical activity. Simultaneously, some people are naturally predisposed to weariness and are best suited to mild workouts.

Dietary flavour, likes and dislikes, food intolerances and other factors are all influenced by genetic differences.

The existence of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) in foods like cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, wine, pepper, kale and others is a great example of genetically controlled sensory abilities. Depending on one's DNA, individuals may find the element to be extremely bitter or tasteless. The capacity to taste PTC is determined by a single gene called TAS2R38.

The rate of metabolism, food absorption, catabolism, storage, biosynthesis and excretion are all influenced by genetic differences.

Whether we're allergic to gluten or lactose intolerant is determined by our DNA. In general, a genetic test provides a complete insight of a patient's genetic make-up, which aids a nutritionist in developing a tailored food plan.


The study of how genes influence the impact of foods on the body and health is known as nutrigenetics. Our nutrigenetic profile determines how our bodies react to the foods we eat. Because specific genes are linked to nutrient absorption and utilisation, food intolerances and sensitivities and nutritional needs and deficiencies, this is the case.

Sports Genomics

In the field of genetics, this is a relatively recent branch. The study of an athlete's genetic make-up or architecture that contributes to their performance is known as sports genomics. Because our response to many exercise-related qualities is influenced by our genes, the same approach applies to anybody who wants to customise their fitness practice.

As previously said, genetic tests allow us to eliminate guesswork and approach fitness in the most effective way possible. The reports make us aware of our ability to stick to a fitness routine. Experts may propose either a high-intensity or a longer training session based on this information.

Future of genetic testing in India

Genetic testing is slowly becoming recognised in India as an important preventive healthcare tool. Many more diagnostic centres have started to enter this market. Every day, healthcare is improving and genetic testing will play a significant role in that evolution.


Kanchan Naikawadi

Guest Author Managing Director and Preventive Healthcare Specialist, Indus Health Plus

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