
How To Improve Testing Infra In Rural India

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the considerable gaps in the healthcare system and further highlighted the importance and requirement for rapid and accurate diagnosis solutions at all levels of society. Today, the urban-centric nature of health infrastructure is catering only to a small segment of the population. The majority is still unaware of the healthcare facilities or has limited access to timely disease diagnosis. 

Like other low and middle-income countries, India bears the burden of infectious and non-infectious diseases that are otherwise preventable and curable if detected early and accurately. However, lack of proper health infrastructure, shortage of good diagnostics tools at the point of patient contact and constant delay in intervention lead to the disease's progression and spread, which is a heavy toll on patients, society and the economy.

In India, over 70 per cent of the population is still predominantly rural and continues to face a shortage of quality diagnostic services due to a lack of pathologists, qualified technicians, clinical labs, testing facilities, limited transportation and communication systems. Most of the modern diagnostic equipment in India is imported, expensive and challenging to run and maintain in rural settings. There is a need to encourage 'Make in India' medical devices, which will ensure its availability, supply and post-installation services in resource-limited rural settings. Considering the tight deadlines of global disease elimination targets, universal access to high-quality diagnostics is a prerequisite, which can happen only through a decentralised approach. Novel Point-of-Care solutions that can deploy closer to the patient are the need of the hour. POC testing has evolved substantially in the past years and the area has witnessed decent growth. As per the Expert Market Research report, the global point-of-care (POC) diagnostic market is driven by the rise in the geriatric population and the increase in acute and chronic diseases. The market is expected to witness further growth in the forecast period of 2022-2027, growing at a CAGR of 8 per cent.

A point of care solution system increases the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery. It significantly reduces the turnaround time, and even in rural areas with resource-limited settings, diagnosis and treatment can be taken care of in a single day. 

One such technology/platform/solution is the Truenat real-time micro PCR which has revolutionised the entire healthcare ecosystem. Truenat is a globally renowned mobile technology and molecular platform that can be deployed to the country's remotest corners across healthcare chains, enabling it as the first-line test for various diseases. It has been rapidly scaled up in India because of its capabilities and effectiveness.

In India, about 1760 District Medical Committees (DMCs) use the Truenat platform to accurately diagnose Tuberculosis and resistance to first-line therapy very early in the active disease stage. Precise therapy enables better patient outcomes and prevents the disease's further spread. Less turnaround time from sample to result ensures initiation of treatment on the same day of presentation.

As per the Indian Brand Equity Foundation, the Indian Healthcare industry size is estimated to reach US$ 372 billion by 2022. There may be an urgent need to address the requirement of reliable technologies to enable early and accurate diagnosis of critical viruses/diseases to improve the healthcare infrastructure in remote and rural areas. This will enhance the effectiveness of treatments and provide the best opportunity for a positive health outcome.


Sriram Natarajan

Guest Author The author is Director & CEO, Molbio Diagnostics

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