
Importance Of Radiation Protection Gloves In Medical Imaging & Radiology

Studies have shown that chronic exposure to ionising radiation can lead to a spectrum of dermatological and musculoskeletal problems

Healthcare professionals working on image-guided procedures are routinely exposed to significant levels of radiation over time. One of the most vulnerable parts of their body is the hands, which are frequently close to the radiation source during procedures. 

The Hidden Risks: Radiation Damage from X-rays

X-rays, an important tool in medical diagnostics, have revolutionised how we identify and treat various conditions. However, their benefits come with a hidden cost- radiation exposure. Surgeons, radiologists, and other medical professionals who routinely work with X-rays are at risk of developing serious health issues due to prolonged exposure.

Being closest to the X-ray beams, the hands bear the brunt of this exposure. Studies have shown that chronic exposure to ionising radiation can lead to a spectrum of dermatological and musculoskeletal problems. The most immediate and visible consequence is radiation dermatitis, which manifests as skin burns, redness, and ulceration. Over time, repeated exposure can result in skin pigmentation changes and psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that causes rapid skin cell turnover, leading to scaling and inflammation.

Moreover, radiation-induced nail problems are not uncommon. Healthcare workers exposed to high doses of radiation may experience nail dystrophy, characterised by brittle, discoloured, and deformed nails. In severe cases, radiation exposure can lead to radiation-induced cancers, particularly skin cancer. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found a higher incidence of squamous cell carcinoma among radiologists, especially on their hands, due to prolonged exposure to X-rays.

The Essential Shield- Radiation Protection Gloves

Given the severe risks associated with radiation exposure, the need for protective measures in healthcare. This is where radiation protection gloves come into play. These gloves are designed to shield healthcare professionals from the harmful effects of ionising radiation, providing a crucial barrier that reduces the amount of radiation reaching the skin.

Radiation protection gloves are typically made from materials like lead or lead-free composites, which have high atomic numbers. These materials are effective at attenuating X-rays, meaning they can absorb and scatter the radiation before it reaches the skin. According to a study conducted by the Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal, properly designed radiation gloves can reduce radiation exposure to the hands by up to 95 per cent, significantly lowering the risk of long-term damage.

Why Gloves Are a Necessity in Modern Healthcare?

As the demand for diagnostic imaging and minimally invasive procedures continues to rise, so does the exposure to radiation for healthcare professionals. The cumulative effect of this exposure can lead to severe health complications if proper precautions are not taken.

Beyond protecting against immediate skin damage, these gloves also play a vigorous role in preventing the development of chronic conditions. For instance, reducing the incidence of radiation dermatitis and nail dystrophy helps maintain the dexterity and tactile sensitivity that surgeons and radiologists need to perform their jobs effectively. Furthermore, by lowering the risk of radiation-induced cancers, these gloves contribute to the long-term well-being of healthcare workers, ensuring that they can continue to provide care without compromising their health.

In radiology, lead gloves are crucial for daily operations, especially in interventional procedures where hands are frequently exposed to radiation. Even in dental practices, where X-rays are commonly used, these gloves provide necessary protection for both the dentist and the assisting staff.

British Journal of Radiology revealed that healthcare workers who consistently used radiation protection gloves experienced significantly fewer cases of radiation-induced skin conditions and cancers. American Journal of Roentgenology also shared that, 89% of radiologists reported a noticeable reduction in hand fatigue and skin irritation after incorporating radiation protection gloves into their routine practice

Radiation protection gloves serve as a vital line of defence for healthcare professionals, shielding them from the harmful effects of X-rays and other forms of ionising radiation.

The author is the Group Chief Operating Officer, Trivitron Healthcare.


Mr Satyaki Banerjee

Guest Author Group Chief Operating Officer, Trivitron Healthcare

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