
Integrating Air Quality, Safety & Security Technologies Along With Advanced Analytics

Tell us about the recently-launched Honeywell upper air disinfection solution. What are its key features and how does it work?

Since March 2020, Honeywell engineers have worked to develop and launch several technologies to help building and facility owners improve the health of their building environments and reassure occupants that it is safer to return to the workplace.

Most recently, we launched Honeywell’s upper air disinfection solution, which has been designed and developed in India for the local market. This is an easy-to-install, wall-mounted, low-maintenance device that uses high-intensity UV-C light, a special reflector and a unique louver to disinfect the air, which is then circulated by convective air currents. It provides continuous disinfection and does away with the need to manually and periodically sanitize with disinfectants and chemicals.

It is safe for air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned environments and can also be used in spaces with limited mechanical ventilation. It is ideal for use in healthcare facilities like clinics and hospitals as well as in public spaces with high footfall such as commercial establishments and educational institutes.

The product complies with the NIOSH recommended guidelines of Permissible Exposure Time (PET) in an eight-hour period. NIOSH recommended exposures correspond to a maximum recommended irradiance of 0.2 µW/cm2 for an eight-hour exposure to UVGI at a wavelength of 254.

Per tests conducted in a MOF-recognized and ISO-certified lab, this device has proven to be 99 per cent effective in deactivating pathogens.

Apart from this, what can address air disinfection challenges to help create healthier and safer building environments?

Last year we launched the Honeywell Healthy Buildings Air Quality package. It monitors, manages and controls key parameters to create a healthier built environment while still managing energy efficiency.

The air quality package can:

- help building owners implement the latest ASHRAE and other local guidelines;

- manage pressurization, ventilation, temperature and humidity;

- gauge environmental and occupancy parameters;

- provide real-time insights on contaminant risk, alerts to change HEPA filters, cleaning and occupant behavior; and

- control and optimize UV sterilization, air filtration and air composition.

The Air Quality package is complemented by the Honeywell Healthy Buildings Safety and Security package. This features hardware and software to help building owners minimize risk by monitoring, detecting and responding to potential issues using integrated security tools.

Our technologies enable building owners to use the power of AI to manage people flow and reporting, manage compliance to regulations such as social distancing and wearing of face masks, check temperatures and manage touchless access control. We also have technologies to support contact tracing by leveraging advanced video analytics and incident management workflows.

By integrating air quality, safety and security technologies along with advanced analytics, our Healthy Buildings offerings are designed to help building owners minimize potential risks of contamination and ensure business continuity.

Our Honeywell Pro-Watch and MAXPRO Network Video Recorders (NVR) and Video Management Systems (VMS) use deep learning artificial intelligence video analytics on existing CCTV cameras to identify if building occupants are complying with guidelines around masks and social distancing. 

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