
MOC Cancer Care Launches CAR-T Cell Therapy For Blood Cancer In India

Already showing remarkable success in countries where it is available, this therapy harnesses the body’s own immune cells to target and destroy cancerous cells

MOC Cancer Care & Research Centre has introduced CAR-T Cell Therapy in India, offering a revolutionary treatment option for patients battling blood cancers such as leukaemia, myeloma, and lymphoma. 

In a press statement on Tuesday, the cancer centre said that already showing remarkable success in countries where it is available, this cutting-edge therapy harnesses the body’s own immune cells to target and destroy cancerous cells. MOC aims to make this advanced treatment more accessible and affordable, providing new hope for patients with aggressive or treatment-resistant cancers.

The introduction of CAR-T Cell Therapy is part of MOC’s ongoing efforts to combat the rising incidence of blood cancers in India. The therapy has shown promise in improving outcomes for patients who have exhausted other treatment options.

Dr. Suraj Chiraniya, a Hemato-Oncologist and Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) specialist at MOC Cancer Care, highlighted the importance of early detection in fighting blood cancer. He stated, “Early diagnosis is not just beneficial; it can be life-saving. CAR-T Cell Therapy offers a new and effective weapon in our fight against blood cancer, giving patients a chance at recovery when other treatments have failed.”

Dr. Ashray Kole, another leading oncologist at MOC, emphasised the impact of this breakthrough, saying, “CAR-T Cell Therapy represents a paradigm shift in cancer treatment. By offering this advanced therapy at an affordable cost, we aim to ensure that more patients can benefit from these life-saving innovations, especially those facing the most aggressive cancers.”

In addition to introducing CAR-T Cell Therapy, MOC has launched a campaign during Blood Cancer Awareness Month. The initiative aims to raise awareness about the symptoms of blood cancer, support early detection efforts, and promote ongoing research to improve patient outcomes.

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