My Health, My Right – Geographical Disparities In Access To Care

Most disease research reports suggest that delayed diagnoses are one of the leading causes of increased disease burden in developing nations

In India's healthcare landscape, the imperative of ensuring access to quality health services is underscored by formidable challenges. Insufficient infrastructure, coupled with a shortage of medical professionals, poses significant barriers to healthcare delivery. Moreover, the escalating burden of diseases, ranging from non-communicable ailments to infectious outbreaks, further strains the healthcare system. Creating better outcomes and experiences for patients, no matter where they live, become imperative for healthcare providers.

Most disease research reports suggest that delayed diagnoses are one of the leading causes of increased disease burden in developing nations. Large discrepancies between where and when can healthcare be accessed, can impact health outcomes and expenditures resulting from late diagnosis and therapies.

To address these pressing issues, concerted efforts are needed to bolster healthcare infrastructure, expand the healthcare workforce, and implement comprehensive disease prevention and management strategies. Providing access to patient to new and established technologies is needed to make real breakthroughs. 

India contributes one-fifth of the global population that lacks timely access to safe and affordable essential and emergency surgery, reports The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Therefore, it is critical to address surgical care in India. Surgical care indicators evaluate timely access, workforce adequacy, delivery of care, the perioperative mortality rate (POMR) and financial impact.  Despite these challenges, the implementation of strategic initiatives is gradually narrowing these gaps, offering hope for a more equitable healthcare landscape in the nation.

Strategic Partnerships to create a difference.

Another aspect of improving access to care is a strong network and partnerships.

MedTech companies, aspiring to create a better future, need to support healthcare leaders, stakeholders, and providers with holistic solutions for the complex challenges in dynamically evolving healthcare environments. Since no organisation can solve healthcare and ecological solutions in isolation, we need both innovation and collaboration to create a difference. 

By synergising the strengths of both governmental and private sectors, we possess the capacity to overcome intricate challenges, notably in ameliorating healthcare disparities and guaranteeing universal access to care throughout India. This collaboration holds particular significance in regions where healthcare accessibility remains constrained. This further helps in enhancing existing medical facilities and supporting them with advanced technology to meet evolving needs. Additionally, strategic partnerships address shortages of healthcare resources, ensuring the availability of essential supplies and personnel. 

For example, Siemens Healthineers emphasized this approach by collaborating with Tata Trusts and Assam Cancer Care Foundation. Siemens Healthineers has partnered Tata Trusts to provide laboratory equipment, X-ray systems, CT scanners, mammography and MRI systems, and PET/CT scanners for cancer diagnosis, and linear accelerators for cancer treatment. This has led to the establishment of a comprehensive cancer network across the state. Also, collaborating with Jivika Healthcare, supported by the Government of Assam, to launch the innovative 'Healthcare on Wheels' project in Kamrup District was also a step towards providing access to healthcare. This initiative improved access to primary healthcare services, particularly targeting Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by leveraging mobile healthcare.

Enabling digital solutions

Various methods need to be used to resolve lack of access of healthcare like collaboration with stakeholders, healthcare workforce education and training, financing solutions, new business model, innovation across the health continuum and digital solutions. Keeping challenging and restricted infrastructure in mind, MedTech companies need to invest in developing innovative medical devices with fewer infrastructure requirements like the ones which use less space, are energy efficient or are lighter. 

Technology has paved the way for healthcare providers in reaching thousands of patients, which might not have been possible otherwise. Artificial intelligence and automation have also empowered diagnostics labs in improving their efficiency and providing timely care and solutions to patients, improving their journey of treatment. For instance, labs which could test only a couple of samples manually, were upgraded to test thousands of samples in a few minutes amidst pandemics. This could help patients in getting right treatment from the doctors in time, aiding better management of the disease. Moreover, automation also assured workforce of their safety. 

In a country that’s facing challenges in terms of rising ailing population, shortage of trained workforce and restricted infrastructure, digital solutions, expanding healthcare horizon beyond four walls lead to enabling better access to quality care for people. 

MedTech companies are working towards catering to the demand for patient-centric solutions that transcend physical and economic barriers. Eventually, India’s healthcare future will be defined by connectivity and convenience and MedTech’s role is to enable care from anywhere.

The author is Managing Director, Siemens Healthcare Private Limited

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