Navigating The Landscape Of Infertility Care In India

A recent report by The Lancet, titled “Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021”, has shed light on a concerning trend in India – a dramatic decline in fertility rates. The report highlights a drop from 6.1 children per woman in 1950 to just under 2.0 in 2021. This number is further expected to dip to 1.29 by 2050 and 1.04 by the end of the century. 

Infertility care is emerging as a critical component of healthcare delivery in India, in an exclusive conversation with BW Healthcare world,  Nitiz Murdia, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Indira IVF, discusses the challenges this decline presents and the role fertility clinics can play in navigating this new landscape.

Socioeconomic Impact of Declining Fertility

Nitiz says, shrinking workforce due to a lower population growth rate is a major concern. This can lead to labor shortages across key sectors, impacting economic growth. Businesses may struggle to find skilled workers, hindering innovation and productivity, he added. On the flip side, a smaller working population could also lead to a higher national savings rate, potentially fostering investment in infrastructure and development.

Reasons Behind the Decline

Several factors contribute to India's declining fertility rate. Increased aspirations and delayed childbearing, particularly among women pursuing careers, are significant contributors. Lifestyle changes, including unhealthy habits like diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, can also make it harder for couples to conceive naturally.

Challenges and the Role of Fertility Clinics

Murdia emphasises that infertility is a medical condition, not a social stigma, and highlights the importance of making treatment accessible and affordable. Here's a detailed look at Indira IVF's initiatives to address this:

  • Affordability: Recognising the financial burden of fertility treatments, Indira IVF offers personalised plans starting at Rs. 1.35 lakh per cycle. They also provide financial support options such as EMI and loan payments to ease the burden on couples.

  • Accessibility:  Indira IVF has expanded its reach to 21 states with a network of 130 hospitals. They employ a hub-and-spoke model, with larger centers in major cities and smaller satellite centers in tier-2 and tier-3 locations, bringing treatment closer to patients and reducing travel costs. Additionally, they customize price points based on location and treatment requirements.

  • Awareness:  Dispelling myths and promoting education is crucial.  Indira IVF's campaign "Nisantanta Bharat Chhodo" aimed to address this by educating people about infertility. They also conduct workshops, seminars, and community events to spread awareness about reproductive health and infertility treatment options.

Ensuring Transparency and Success:

Transparency in treatment protocols and communication around success expectations are vital for patient confidence. Indira IVF ensures uniform treatment standards across all centers through strict standard operating protocols (SOPs). AI-driven technologies enhance treatment effectiveness and standardize procedures, fostering trust and transparency. Third-party accreditation and compliance with ethical guidelines further reinforce patient safety and trust.

Future of Infertility Care:

Looking ahead, Murdia predicts significant growth and transformation in infertility care in India. He emphasizes the importance of technological advancements and policy changes to meet the evolving needs of patients. Telemedicine, mandatory infertility treatment insurance, and public-private partnerships are identified as key enablers for increasing accessibility and affordability. Through innovation and policy interventions, India can pave the way for a future where infertility care is inclusive and equitable for all, remarked Nitiz.

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