
Robotic Surgery At Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Removes Complex Tumor, Preserves Fertility For Newlywed

An ultrasound unexpectedly revealed the tumour, prompting further tests including a CT scan and MRI

Doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital successfully removed a complex tumour from a young woman's pelvic region using advanced robotic technology, preserving her fertility.

In a press statement on Monday, the hospital informed that Sunita, who had recently married and hoped to start a family, discovered a sizeable 6x5x4 cm tumour between her bladder and uterus during a routine ultrasound.

Sunita initially sought medical attention at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital for minimal urinary issues. An ultrasound unexpectedly revealed the tumour, prompting further tests including a CT scan and MRI. Due to the tumour's challenging location, imaging or biopsy could not confirm its nature, leading the Department of Urology and Robotic Surgery to recommend surgical removal.

Vipin Tyagi, Senior Consultant and Coordinator of Robotic Surgery, led the operation alongside Ankit Tyagi, Associate Consultant in the Department of Urology. "The challenges in this surgery were immense," explained Dr. Vipin Tyagi. "We had to remove the tumour without affecting the uterus, bladder, or ureter, all while avoiding a large incision that could complicate the patient's future pregnancy plans."

The surgeons opted for a robotic-assisted approach, utilising the hospital's advanced robotic system for unparalleled precision, flexibility, and control. This technology enabled them to perform the delicate operation through small incisions, carefully dissecting and extracting the tumour without damaging surrounding organs.

"The robotic technology was essential in accessing this difficult pocket between the organs and removing the tumour without any collateral damage," noted Vipin Tyagi. “The 3D visualisation and versatile instruments provided the control needed to protect the uterus and other critical structures,” he added.

Following the successful surgery,  Sunita had a smooth recovery and was discharged just two days later, relieved to have the tumour removed and her fertility preserved. 

Sudhir Chadha, Chairman of the Department of Urology, emphasised the hospital's commitment to providing cutting-edge technology for superior patient care. "In the Department of Urology at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, we offer the latest advancements in medical technology to ensure the best outcomes for our patients," he said.

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