Rotary International President Stephanie A. Urchick Unveils Global Healthcare Vision & Impact

Stephanie A. Urchick has been associated with Rotary for 33 years, joining initially for fellowship but finding profound purpose in Rotary's service initiatives

In an exclusive conversation with Harbinder Narula, CEO of BW Healthcareworld and BW Wellbeing World, Stephanie A. Urchick, Rotary International President  (2024-25), provided profound insights into Rotary's transformative journey and its impactful initiatives in global healthcare.

Stephanie A. Urchick has been associated with Rotary for 33 years, joining initially for fellowship but finding profound purpose in Rotary's service initiatives. Her roles have included directorships, Foundation trustee positions, and leadership of strategic planning committees, all contributing to Rotary's expansive global footprint.

Prioritising Global Initiatives

Addressing Rotary's global reach, Stephanie discussed how Rotary balances local and global priorities. "Locally, Rotary Clubs assess community needs and tailor initiatives accordingly. Globally, projects like polio eradication transcend borders, showcasing Rotary's adaptability in addressing diverse challenges," she emphasised.

Rotary's Role in Healthcare

Stephanie elaborated on Rotary's healthcare efforts, emphasising the ongoing polio eradication campaign. "Our robust infrastructure supports vaccination programs worldwide, laying the groundwork for addressing diseases like Ebola and COVID-19. Rotary's commitment to a polio-free world underscores our dedication to global health."

She highlighted, "Rotary's commitment to eradicating polio is steadfast. We recognise that until the wild poliovirus is eradicated globally, the threat remains. Recent cases in New York City and London reaffirm the importance of sustained efforts."

Challenges and Commitments

Stephanie outlined challenges in maintaining a polio-free status globally. "Until the wild poliovirus is eradicated everywhere, the threat remains. Recent cases in New York City and London reaffirm the importance of sustained efforts. Rotary remains steadfast in vaccination programs to achieve our goal," she affirmed.

Beyond Polio: Public Health Initiatives

Highlighting Rotary's Programs of Scale initiative, Stephanie underscored Rotary's proactive approach to public health. "We support large-scale projects like combating cervical cancer in Egypt, demonstrating our commitment to disease prevention and healthcare access," she noted.

Addressing Disparities in India

Stephanie addressed healthcare disparities in India, emphasising local adaptation. "In a diverse country like India, Rotary empowers local clubs to identify and address specific healthcare needs. Lessons learned are shared to amplify impact across regions," she explained.

Vision for Rotary's Future

Looking ahead, Stephanie shared her vision for Rotary's impact, particularly in India. "We aim for sustainable change through adaptable action plans tailored to regional needs. Engaging India's youth and fostering CSR partnerships are crucial to expanding Rotary's influence," she envisioned.

Empowering Changemakers

Stephanie discussed Rotary's role in empowering individuals to make a difference. "Rotary provides resources and a supportive network for changemakers addressing societal challenges. From COVID-19 responses to women's safety initiatives, Rotary amplifies community impact," she highlighted.

Collaborative Partnerships

Stephanie emphasised Rotary's collaborative approach in healthcare. "Partnerships with healthcare institutions and stakeholders amplify our impact. Initiatives like the polio ward at St. Stephen Hospital, Delhi, showcase Rotary's commitment to sustainable healthcare solutions," she affirmed.

Ensuring Project Continuity

Stephanie concluded on Rotary's continuity and sustainability in healthcare projects. "Rotary's enduring commitment and collaborative efforts ensure projects transcend individual leadership terms. We focus on long-term solutions to maintain impactful initiatives," she concluded.

Stephanie A. Urchick's insights into Rotary's healthcare initiatives underscore Rotary's global leadership in disease eradication, public health, and community empowerment. Her vision for Rotary's future highlights the organisation's commitment to sustainable change and continued global impact.


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