
SAAS Companies To Improve Care Coordination In Healthcare

Inadequate access, limited insurance penetration, and a rising load of chronic diseases are just a few of the problems facing India's health care system. With the exception of a few major providers, traditional business models have struggled to demonstrate appealing returns on investment. Increased infrastructure, process efficiency gains, and the use of technology all could contribute to more accessible and affordable health care.

The market for healthcare software-as-a-service (SaaS) is about to explode, and it is becoming more and more significant since it has the ability to improve patient experiences and increase administrative efficiency. A new analysis from Grand View Research projects that the healthcare SaaS market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.5 per cent and surpass USD 50 billion by 2028.

Healthcare is transforming due to AI and ML, both monetarily and operationally. The way patient data is gathered and managed has undergone one of the biggest transformations. Previously, it was challenging to gain a complete picture of a patient's health since medical records were dispersed throughout several systems.

Now, solutions driven by AI and ML are assisting in changing this by collecting data from many sources and organising it to make it simpler to use and access. This helps doctors and other healthcare workers make better decisions. 

Additionally, by employing AI and machine learning to extract insights from unstructured data, doctors can have the pertinent data at their fingertips while making a diagnosis. These observations help to tailor the patient's overall care coordinating procedure.

Conducting follow-up care often has two main advantages in the eyes of healthcare experts. First, continued care keeps patients generally healthier and promotes successful medical results. Second, prompt post-discharge care can lessen hospital readmissions.

Post-discharge check-ins that are routinely scheduled assist patients avoid the hospital by detecting complications early and addressing developing problems. For healthcare companies, reducing hospital readmissions also offers financial benefits. 

Care coordination will be important in this situation: In order to reduce the amount of time a patient spends in the hospital, hospitals might make use of care coordination, particularly after discharge. By doing so, they may achieve these needs while maintaining low costs and avoiding losses.

The risks will therefore be split between the hospitals and the insurance companies as we transition to the value-based care healthcare ecosystem employing SAAS technologies. Even while you would argue that India still has a way to go in that regard, good care coordination is the cornerstone of the solution. 

In order to improve patient health outcomes, hospitals should begin actively managing their patient populations. This will be crucial for both their reputation and the money and incentives they receive from insurance companies.


Dr Suman Katragadda

Guest Author CEO & Founder, Heaps Health

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