Advancements In Radiation Therapy

S. Hukku shared latest strides in Radiation Therapy, enhancing cancer treatment efficacy and precision

S. Hukku, Advisor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, spoke about recent advancements in Radiation Therapy. He emphasised on how these innovations have enhanced effectiveness, minimised complications and have broadened the applications of this treatment modality.

He began by tracing the origins of radiation therapy back to the discovery of X-rays in 1899, suggesting that it was a precursor to future developments in the field. In India, the primary machine utilised for radiation therapy is the Cobalt Machine. He distinguished between external beam radiation administered from outside the body, and brachytherapy, which involves radiation delivery from within.

Hukku also highlighted that radiotherapy is employed in over 70 per cent of cancer cases in India, underscoring its significance in cancer treatment. Through the integration of technologies such as CT scans and MRIs, treatment planning has become increasingly personalised. This allows for precise targeting of tumours while sparing normal surrounding tissues, leading to highly accurate cancer treatment.

He discussed the evolution of radiation therapy machines, mentioning the transition from low-energy Deep Acceleration machines to the utilisation of Cobalt Machines. He noted improvements in treatment techniques, such as the shift from delivering radiation from two or four sides to more refined methods involving radiation from two different angles. These advancements, as highlighted by Hukku at the BW Healthcare World's Oncology Summit, contribute to enhanced treatment outcomes and patient care in the field of radiation oncology.

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