Taking a break has become increasingly challenging for most business owners and workaholics in general. The idea is to be more physically active and less sitting before a screen. People have begun to work more and spend lesser amounts of time with their loved ones or to pursue any of their hobbies. It is essential to have hobbies, a fitness routine, and a passion for life outside the four walls of your workspace. It is healthy to take a break from time to time to do other things that add value to your life.
Most people believe that taking a break reduces the number of things you can get done. However, the opposite stands true. Taking a break once ever so often, increases your productivity, job performance and overall physical and mental health. Multidisciplinary research shows that exercise on a daily basis, quick cat naps, more extended sleep hours at night, decent working hours and frequent vacations can have a positive impact on your life. It is a fact that human beings can function efficiently for 6 to 8 hours a day. On a regular working day of 8 hours, people are productive for only 3. Not taking a break on a daily basis can hamper your decision-making skills, causes decline of focus and can cause strain on your eyes. Not to mention back and shoulder pain from sitting for too long.
A great way to release some stress is by spending time with people you love. Prevent staying back at the office at nights, this way you can improve your health by eating a home cooked meal by reducing your intake of takeouts. More free time gives you that extra bit to exercise or take up a particular hobby you didn't have time for earlier. With more breaks the more focussed you are.