
VR/AR use cases in Pharmaceutical Sector

Virtual Reality is a depiction of the real world. It makes it possible to experience specific real-life experiences in a secured & virtual environment. No doubt it is impacting every sector of business by enabling companies to create a risk-free and economic user experience. In this blog-post, we will have a look at various use cases of Virtual Reality in Pharmaceutical.

Use Cases of Virtual Reality in Pharmaceutical

Manufacturing Made Simple

Manufacturing of drugs is a dangerous job, and it needs to be accurate & precise. Manufacturers require to be sure that their medical devices are being constructed uniformly and accurately— every time, precisely the same way. Using augmented reality eliminates human error and helps us to maintain a high degree of consistency— for example, overlaying a "canvas" running on a given substrate, along with using visual and audio prompts, ensures brand quality while minimizing production time. On the other hand, the VR technology provides the real-like experience in a virtual world and the user learns by doing its approach. Such interactive experiences increase the quality of trainees acquisition of the skills. Moreover, it offers good adaptability to the user’s needs and learning style by increasing their motivation during training.


VR/AR technology empowers the logistics of medicines ease by providing the right information to the professional at the right time and location. It provides the right balanced efficiency that is particularly important for Pharmaceutical distribution networks. VR/AR-enabled tools can be used in warehouses to improve processes for product picking and packaging, assembly, inventory management, and warehouse staff training. For instance, a worker can see overlaid task instructions on their HMD, which can be configured to assist with GPS navigation within the facility or barcode auto-reading.

Training & Preparation

VR helps surgeons prepare for complex procedures. The surgeons receive accurate images of the physical structure of the patient with the aid of Virtual Reality and can perform the most suitable methods. VR-based hands-free apps are known to be an entertaining and useful training tool, as they can add digital demos on wearable devices to provide rapid visual presentations for new personnel in the Pharmaceutical sector.

Psychologists can simulate the same situation without being destructive with the help of a solution to Virtual Reality.


VR is still new to the Pharmaceutical sector; however, the possibilities to make the life of professionals working in this sector can be tremendously be eased. Above mentioned use cases are just a few of the possible ones, but in the future, the wings of possibilities can be widened up.


Raman Talwar

Guest Author The author is Founder Director and CEO, Simulanis Solutions.

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