
From Fear To Strength: Advancements In Breast Cancer Treatments

Since the 1990s, breast cancer in women has climbed up from the fourth position to the first position. In India alone, 14 per cent of cancer cases in women are detected as breast cancer. Every four minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer which is quite concerning. Speaking at the ‘Oncology Summit 2023’, experts including Dr Kanchan Kaur, Dr Pragnya Chigurupati and Dr Vedant Kabra talked about the challenges Indian women are facing, the shortcomings of the Indian healthcare system, the need of the hour, and much more. 

The first and foremost step one can take towards dealing with breast cancer is going for a screening. Highlighting the importance of timely detection of breast cancer, Dr Kaur, Senior Director at Medanta said, “About 70 to 80 per cent breast cancer cases in India are detected in the third or fourth stage. While nearly 6 per cent of breast cancer in the west are detected in women below the age of 40, in India, the number is as high as 16 per cent. We are picking it up late.”

Along the same line, Dr Kabra, Principal Director of Department of Surgical Oncology at Fortis, said, “Almost all types of cancers in India are peaking almost a decade earlier than our western counterparts. 

Reasons can be multiple, including increasing pollution, food adulteration, rising stress levels, etc.” When asked about the reasons behind late diagnosis of cancer, he said that the foremost reason is the lack of awareness. “Not just the general public or the patients, but the doctors are also unaware at times. Neglecting the possibility of cancer is also a leading cause behind late diagnosis,” Dr Kabra added.

Dr Kaur observed that sometimes, the most advanced cancer cases are detected in the most educated working women. “We’ve seen a rise in the number of rural women coming for check-ups after listening on radios but women in urban areas mostly neglect it after searching on the internet,” she opined.

Dr Pragnya, Consultant Breast Specialist, Oncologist & Oncoplastic Surgeon, AIG Hospitals, highlighted the importance of self-examination and talked about how timely detection of cancer coupled with the advancement in technology has proven to be a boon in treatment of cancer. She said, “We have come up with oncoplastic surgery in which we can reconstruct the affected breast. Earlier, we used to remove the entire breast.”

Talking about the reluctance amongst patients against being treated, Dr Kaur said, “It’s not the fear of cancer which keeps the patients away from treatment but the treatment itself has become very advanced which is why dispelling myths has also become very important these days.”

Availability of those who treat cancer in tier 1 and tier 2 cities along with primary health centres is a must. Highlighting the government’s role in battling cancer. Dr Kaur argued, “The government needs to set up a separate, targeted and focused program on cancer awareness and for this, the government has to collaborate with the private stakeholders. If we don’t take these steps now, ten years down the line, the landscape is going to be really sad.”

The experts unanimously agreed to the fact that most cancers are lifestyle diseases and what causes them can never be defined with certainty. Alcohol consumption has been linked to risks of breast cancer, so the doctors advised women to be very careful about what they are consuming. Furthermore, they said that self-examination is the biggest preventive measure one can take.

And lastly, the doctors advised women across the world to take care of their health, not just at a physical level but at a holistic level.

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