
Healthy Diet, Key To Healthier Heart

A balanced diet is a crucial aspect of human body as it supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients. When it comes to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), a balanced diet is one of the most pivotal and preventive factors in reducing CVD-related deaths as they are basically an outcome of unhealthy lifestyle. 

Shalini Arvind, Chief Dietician, Fortis Hospital, says, “There are two types of risk factors- there are modifiable risk factors, and pure non-modifiable risk factors. Non-modifiable risk factors include your genetic predisposition, heredity, gender and age. There’s nothing you can do about them. Whereas, modifiable risk factors, which you can control, include a balanced diet, exercise, stress management and quitting of alcohol and smoking.” 

She further added that nowadays, youngsters, teenagers, even children aged between 6-8 years are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Children of two-three years of age with Type 1 diabetes is quite natural and understandable.  

“But Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease and in a young child, it’s really heartbreaking. Nowadays youngsters of 20 years of age look like they are in their 45 or 50s. They are not being able to manage their health,” the expert added. 

Bad eating habits is one of the primary factors behind cardiovascular complications.  Ms. Shalini says, “The factors are plenty- there are too many luring offers, supersized calorie laden things, buy one, get one offers, too much of outside eating, not much of control on their eating habits, not much of awareness.” 

A balanced diet is the key to keep oneself healthy, both physically and menatally. Ms. Shalini further suggested that our plate should have food from all the food groups, all the nutrients in the required quantity. It has to have carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fibre as well. “Carbs are very important, it’s like fuel. Our body runs on carbohydrates and our brains glucose. Do not skip carbs,” she said. 

Precisely touching upon the the merits of consuming plant-based products, she added, “Plant-based diets have all the required things. And the way it is cooked is also very healthy. You don’t have any plant-based food which has cholesterol. You get everything that is needed, along with fibre. So, either try to strike a balance and continue with non-veg food, or go for a  plant-based diet.” 

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