There’s a common expression that goes – Prevention is better than cure. Though clichéd, this wise expression has held true for years, inspiring constructive action to address a problem before it’s too late. The proverb is most commonly used to encourage people to take proactive health measures; by going for regular tests and checkups to identify any potential infections as early as possible.
It’s undeniable, that today’s fast-paced and sometimes stressful world can be highly taxing – both on the body and mind. Surviving the daily 'hustle and bustle' is a task for any professional and often leads to self-neglect; making them prone to a range of health issues including high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and sometimes even cancer.
According to a report released by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 2018, cancer took more than seven lakh lives in India. This whopping number excludes over 20 lakh Indians who continue to live and suffer from the deadly disease. As per ICMR’s estimate, the death toll is expected to rise to 8.8 lakh by 2020.
The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) marked the fourth of February as World Cancer Day in order to educate people more about the disease. As we cast a light on this day aimed at raising awareness about cancer, we cannot forgo the importance of prevention, detection, and treatment, let's focus on a few preventive measures that you can introduce into your lives, to help reduce and control the risk.
A famous adage by David Agus, Author/Medicine professor says “We may never understand illnesses such as cancer. In fact, we may never cure it. But an ounce of prevention is worth more than a million pounds of cure”.
Though it’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae of everyday life, some small yet potent lifestyle changes can easily improve one’s health while lowering the risk of many cancers. And yes, while people can still get cancer even though they do all of the "right" things, research states that nearly half of all cancers are linked to avoidable factors that we can control. Healthy changes such as integrating physical activity and movement into one’s life, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains along with choosing smaller portions of meals has helped in gaining maximum transformation in improving the well-being of people all over the world.
When it comes to prevention, smoking is the most significant cancer risk factor we can control. It is responsible for not only lung cancer but many other types of non-pulmonary cancer. One of the best ways to reduce this risk is to quit smoking or never start. In the end, it's never too late to stop and your body will reap benefits even if you've smoked for 20, 30, or even 40 years.
For feared diseases such as cancers, early detection, and frequent screening can increase the chances of treatment and recovery, and improve your overall prognosis. Hence, scheduling regular check-ups act as a major priority, particularly at every decade of one’s life.
Additionally, motivation acts as another essential component for adopting a healthy lifestyle and it comes from within. Factors such as a fear of developing any chronic disease like cancer, the stigma attached to certain diseases or the challenge of social acceptance might play a vital role in motivating people to be cautious and lead a healthy life. Knowing the answer may help you live an inspired life.
Despite the innovations in treatment and various awareness campaigns, in India, the risks associated with breast cancer continue to rise. Doctors believe that mammography is the best way for detecting breast cancer at its nascent stage. However, in India, it has still not been widely adopted as it has been in other parts of the world, despite its numerous advantages over other screening methods. With regular mammography tests, it will help in increasing the chances of treatment and survival rate amongst suffering patients.
Keeping in mind the consequences, we have been committed to not only provide best-in-class medical technologies but also educate and create much-needed awareness around Mammography. Modern-day digital mammography machines are available in our 50 Micron digital Mammography – Amulet Innovality that helps in detecting the early symptoms of cancer. At Fujifilm, we strongly believe that early detection is the best prevention for cancer which can help one in fighting the disease at the ‘Zero’ stage.
Our holistic and comprehensive approach in improving women healthcare with digital mammography has driven more than 3,500 happy users across the world, amongst them 32 installations are present in India.
It's time to invest in your wellbeing and health by setting short-term self-preservation targets. With a positive mindset and an unwavering will, half the battle against cancer can be won. This World Cancer Day, encourage your friends and family to get full-body health check-up to diagnose yourself in time and ensure yourself a timely treatment.