Sharda University Unveils HARAS: A Breakthrough Nutraceutical For Smokers' Lung Protection

Smoking remains a leading cause of lung cancer and other chronic diseases, accounting for 90 per cent of lung cancer cases in men and 70-80 per cent in women

Researchers at Sharda University, in collaboration with Nanoved Research Foundation, have announced the successful clinical trials of HARAS, a nanotechnology-based nutraceutical aimed at protecting smokers' lungs by significantly reducing carbon monoxide (CO) levels. The university in a press statement on Wednesday said that the breakthrough, utilising curcumin derived from turmeric, promises a new preventive measure against smoking-related diseases. The announcement coincides with World No Tobacco Day, emphasising the need for effective interventions in smoking cessation and lung health protection.

Smoking remains a leading cause of lung cancer and other chronic diseases, accounting for 90 per cent of lung cancer cases in men and 70-80 per cent in women. Smokers are 15 to 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer compared to non-smokers. Addressing this critical issue, Dr. Vijay Kanuru, Founder of Nanoved Research Foundation, developed HARAS—a curcumin-based nutraceutical enhanced by nanotechnology to improve bioavailability.

The clinical trials, led by esteemed researchers including Dr Deepak Bhargava, Dr Vidya Devi Chandvarkar, and Dr Mithilesh Mishra, involved 25 healthy smoker volunteers. They were administered 10 ml of HARAS juice daily for 30 days, with CO levels monitored at the start, mid-point, and end of the trial. Results showed a statistically significant reduction in CO levels by the 30th day (P<0.001), confirming HARAS's effectiveness in detoxifying smokers' lungs. These findings are published in the International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences and the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.

Dr Deepak Bhargava, Professor and Head of the Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology at Sharda University, highlighted the clinical importance: "Our studies demonstrate that HARAS provides substantial lung protection for smokers by significantly reducing carbon monoxide levels. This nutraceutical is a crucial tool in combating the adverse health effects of smoking."

Dr Mithilesh Mishra, Associate Professor at Sharda University, emphasised the safety and efficacy: "In our extended study with 100 smoker patients, HARAS showed no side effects while significantly reducing CO levels."

Dr Vijay Kanuru, the innovator behind HARAS, explained the breakthrough: "Using liposomal nanotechnology, we improved curcumin's bioavailability, allowing even small doses to offer significant health benefits. HARAS benefits smokers and protects against conditions induced by air pollution, such as fatigue, inflammation, and cardiovascular issues."

Dr Pradyut Waghray, a leading pulmonologist at Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad, added: "HARAS's ability to mitigate cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress makes it a vital preventive measure for millions of smokers."

HARAS leverages curcumin's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammatory signals and oxidative stress from cigarette smoke, protecting lung tissues. The proprietary nanoformulation ensures efficient absorption, maximising therapeutic effects.

The successful development of HARAS marks a major advancement in preventive healthcare. By significantly reducing CO levels in smokers, HARAS can help mitigate lung cancer risks and other smoking-related diseases. Available over-the-counter as a liquid juice and by prescription as capsules, HARAS ensures broad accessibility. 

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